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Evaluation Results
Project: PTDC/EEI-TEL/2674/2012

Title: COOC - Osciladores caóticos para comunicações Ópticas

FCT’s decision (Artigo 11º do Regulamento)
Not Recommended for Funding
In face of high competition for funding, this proposal did not reach a position to be funded.

Evaluation Panel Statement and Rating
Criterion A - Scientific merit and innovative nature of the project from an international standpoint, including but not limited to: i) Relevance and originality of the project proposed (based on the state-of-the art in a determined scientific area and previous work done by the proposing team); ii) Methodology adopted for carrying out the project; iii) Expected results and their contribution to scientific and technological knowledge; iv) Resulting publications and articles; v) Contribution towards promoting and disseminating science and technology; vi) Production of knowledge that can be incorporated into and applied to the business sector.
  • Rating: Excellent
  • Comments: To make chaotic laser sources for various applications including chaotic secure communications, a technique of the current modulation for a laser diode is frequently used. However, it is not easy to make efficient and fully chaotic laser sources by a simply modulation such as using a sinusoidal signal. On the other hand, a laser diode (LD) modulated through a resonant tunneling diode (RTD), which is originally proposed by the applicant and his colleague, can provide high-speed and efficient chaotic light sources. On top of that, we can expect very compact integrated chaotic light sources suitable for communication applications. The idea is new and the fruitful results would be expected by the proposed project.

Criterion B - Scientific merit of the research team, including but not limited to: i) scientific productivity of the team (ranging from references to publications and citations in published works as used by the basic and engineering sciences, to performance and artistic work in the arts or monographs and books in the humanities and social sciences); ii) Abilities and skills to adequately execute the proposed project (team configuration, Principal Investigator’s qualifications); iii) Ability to involve young researchers in training; iv) Availability of the team and non duplication of objectives in relation to other projects underway; v) The degree of internationalization of the team; vi) Degree of success in previous projects in relation to the Principal Investigator (PI) (in the case of young PIs, this requirement must be assessed based on the potential revealed by the PIs curriculum vitae in the absence of prior concrete accomplishments); vii) Level of commitment of any companies participating in the project (if applicable).
  • Rating: Outstanding
  • Comments: A light source using laser diode modulating through a resonant tunneling diode has proposed by the applicant and his colleague and the prototype has already been fabricated. The previous results have been published in several notable journals and the performance and usefulness of the device have been proved. In the past papers related to this subject, graduate students wrote some of them as first authors and, thus, the good trained young researchers have been involved in this project.

Criterion C - Feasibility of the plan of work and reasonableness of the budget, including but not limited to: i) organization of the project in terms of the proposed objectives and resources (duration, equipment, size of the team, institutional and management resources); ii) institutional resources of the participating entities, in particular of the Principal Contractor (PC) (technical-scientific, organizational and managerial and, when appropriate, co-funding capacity on the part of companies).
  • Rating: Excellent
  • Comments: The project is the application of the new chaotic light source of RTD-LD to chaotic secure communications and it is appreciated as a highly motivated one in this field as a demonstration of novel secure communication systems. As for the success of efficient chaotic communication systems, the key issues are the quality of the light sources for chaotic generations and the robustness of chaos synchronization using the devices. We can expect fruitful results since they have already shown the capability of high dimensional chaotic light sources using RTD-LD. However, the Panel would like to point out the study of the quality of chaotic light sources such as chaos dimension and Lypunov exponent of the light outputs for further investigation. The Panel thinks that the project is elaborately prepared and the budget is quite reasonable. The proposal for human resources is proper.

Criterion D - Contribution to the body of knowledge in this field and improvement of competence of the scientific community in general, including but not limited to: i) Contribution to the body of knowledge and competence of the National Science and Technology System (expected effects and results).
  • Rating: Very Good
  • Comments: A new integrated chaotic light source based on RTD-LD for applications will be established. The demonstration of it for chaotic secure communications would fairly impact on the development of the systems of chaotic communications. The development of directly modulated integrate chaotic sources to the injection current of a laser diode is very new and the result would be of great contribution to the research in this field if succeeded.

Overall Rating: Excellent
Overall Comments: A new integrated chaotic light source is developed, which is suitable for an application to chaotic secure communications. The Panel thinks that the proposed project is quite reasonable, however we would like to point out some subjects for further investigation of the successful development of the device and the system. The first is the investigation for the quality of chaotic signals from RTD-LD. The quality such as irregularity of the signals (for example, the dimensions of chaotic signals) would be helpful to demonstrate the appropriateness of them to chaotic secure communications. The second is the comparisons of the quality of existing chaotic signals from those induced by optical feedback, optical injection, and optoelectronic feedback in laser diodes. The compatibility or superiority of the signals compared with those conventional ones would be interesting. The third is the possibility of another applications of the light source. For example, higher irregularity of chaotic signals is expected for the application of physical random number generation. If the suitability for such application were demonstrated, the proposed chaotic light source would be of great importance in applications in this field.

Position of the PI relative to FCT’s decision and panel evaluation (to be completed by 09-01-2013 23:59:00)
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Divulgação do resultado anunciado por email em 18-12-2012 15:26:00.