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Referência do projeto
Project reference
PTDC/EEI-TEL/2674/2012 (Lacrado a 29-03-2012 às 17:33)

1. Identificação do projeto
1. Project description

Domínio Científico
Scientific Domain
Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia
Área científica principal
Main Area
Engenharia Eletrotécnica e Engenharia Informática - Telecomunicações
Área científica Secundária
Secondary area
Título do projeto (em português)
Project title (in portuguese)
COOC - Osciladores caóticos para comunicações Ópticas
Título do projeto (em inglês)
Project title (in english)
COOC - Chaotic oscillators for optical communications
Financiamento solicitado
Requested funding
Palavra-chave 1
Keyword 1
Comunicações Ópticas Optical communications
Palavra-chave 2
Keyword 2
Osciladores caóticos Chaotic oscillators
Palavra-chave 3
Keyword 3
Díodos de efeito de túnel ressonante Resonant tunnelling diodes
Palavra-chave 4
Keyword 4
Díodos laser Laser diodes
Data de início do projeto
Starting date
Duração do projeto em meses
Duration in months
01-01-2013 24

2. Instituições envolvidas
2. Institutions and their roles

Instituição Proponente
Principal Contractor
Universidade do Algarve (UAlg)
Campus da Penha, Estrada da Penha

Descrição da Instituição
The University of Algarve is a public higher education institution located in the southern part of Portugal. In the academic year of 2010-2011 there were circa 9.700 students of which 2102 were enrolled in postgraduate programs. The University’s core research and teaching areas are: science and technology, management and economy, earth and marine sciences, social sciences and more recently health. At present the University of Algarve offers 56 graduate and 87 postgraduate programs (65 MsC and 22 Phd). International, inter-personal and inter-institutional networks, and projects developed in cooperation with other universities are reflected in its teaching and research activities so as to foster innovation and update of learning contents, project incubation, curriculum development, scientific research and training. International projects are fully integrated into the life of the institution. In 2010, the University had 829 permanent teaching and research staff that developed a significant number of research projects (214 R&D only) for which contributed the work produced by 191 fellowship grant holders, which demonstrates a clear commitment towards R&D and innovation. At present, the University has well-established research centers in several fields such as marine sciences, bio-medicine, electronics, chemistry, arts and communication and social sciences.
Instituição Participante
Participating Institution
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto/FE/UP)
Campus da FEUP - Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378

Descrição da Instituição
INESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto - is a private non-profit association, recognized as Public Interest Institution, and appointed in 2002 as Associated Laboratory. Its core objective is to contribute to the implementation of an efficient interface between the academic environment and the worlds of industry, services and Public Administration in the areas of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Optoelectronics, providing scientific research and technological development as well as consulting and advanced training.

INESC Porto Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Unit

The Unit develops its activity in Optoelectronics, mainly in fibre optic technology. It is oriented to applied research and development in fibre sensing, fibre optic sources and in microfabrication (thin films and integrated optics), seeking also opportunities for technology transfer to Portuguese industrial companies through its specific competencies on optoelectronics and electronic systems integration.

The Mission of the Unit is “To do internationally recognized Research, Development and Training in Optoelectronics”, that anchors in its Vision which is: Photonics Based Innovation for Sustainability and Social Welfare.
Unidade de Investigação
Research Unit
Centro de Electrónica Optoelectrónica e Telecomunicações (CEOT/UAlg)
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Campus de Gambelas

Unidade de Investigação Adicional
Additional Research Unit
Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
Cra. Valldemossa pk 7.5
E-07122Palma de Mallorca

University of Glasgow - Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (GU)
Rankine Building
G12 8LTGlasgow

Instituição de Acolhimento
Host Institution
Universidade do Algarve (UAlg)
Campus da Penha, Estrada da Penha

3. Componente Científica
3. Scientific Component

3.1. Sumário
3.1 Abstract

3.1.a Em português
3.1.a In Portuguese
Os sistemas caóticos produzem sinais que são altamente sensíveis às condições iniciais dos parâmetros do sistema, irregulares (com a aparência do ruído), aperiódicos, não correlacionados, e de banda larga, o que torna difícil prevê-los.

Uma vez que estas são as propriedades de sinal exigidas pelos sistemas de comunicação, vários sistemas de comunicação baseados em sinais caóticos têm sido propostos para comunicções de banda larga por forma a aumentar a robustez dos canais de comunicação a perturbações e interferências características nos sistemas de frequência de banda estreita e a outros distúrbios inevitável.

A geração de sinais de banda larga a nível físico oferece possibilidades extras ao nível da privacidade que podem reforçar (através de criptografia de hardware robusta), a segurança dos sistemas atuais baseados em software e dos futuros sistemas de criptografia quântica. As fontes caóticas permitem implementar esteganografia ao nível da camada física dos sistemas melhorando a segurança de técnicas de criptografia. Além disso, os sinais caóticos dão a possibilidade de transmitir sinais com níveis de potência abaixo do ruído de fundo médio, o que pode ser muito útil em aplicações onde a potência de transmissão ou a densidade espectral de potência na banda disponível é limitada como é o caso das comunicações de rádio não licenciadas, adicionando maior segurança à transmissão de informação.

Em sistemas de comunicação baseados em sinais caóticos a mensagem criptografada é codificado e incorporada na transportadora caótica produzida pelo emissor. Os sinais caóticos semelhantes a ruído são usados para ocultar a mensagem, conduzindo a um reforço da ocultação da mensagem, de tal maneira que torna mais difícil o processo de extracção indevida da mensagem.

Os sistemas de comunicação com sinais caóticos baseiam-se na sincronização do receptor ao sinal do emissor caótico, que através de técnicas adequadas permite a descodificação por meio da separação da portadora caótica e da mensagem. Isto é, a mensagem é descodificada pela sincronização do receptor ao sinal caótico produzido pelo emissor, um processo não-linear de filtragem que reproduz localmente o sinal caótico do emissor livre da mensagem, que é então subtraído ao sinal caótico contendo a mensagem proveniente do transmissor.

Os sistemas ópticos oferecem formas mais simples de gerar portadoras caóticas de elevada dimensionalidade que os sistemas eléctrico, e ao mesmo tempo oferecem a possibilidade de as taxas de transmissão muito superiores. O emprego de portadoras caóticas não requer alterações substanciais nas infra-estruturas e configurações das redes de fibra óptica existentes. As propostas de sistemas ópticos caóticos com interesses para as comunicações usam osciladores optoelectrónicos baseados em lasers semicondutores cuja operação é perturbada pela injecção óptica, feedback optoelectrónico, ou modulação directa da corrente que induz instabilidades no laser levando à geração de sinais ópticos caóticas de banda larga.

Contudo, os sistemas propostos, híbridos ou monolíticos, apresentam um grau de complexidade assinalávell, necessitando um número considerável de componentes electrónicos e optoelectrónicos, o que torna a implementação prática destes sistemas de comunicação caóticos muito exigente.

Reconhecendo que o sucesso económico das novas tecnologias está associado à superação do desafio de obter soluções simples de baixo custo e consumo de energia, a presente proposta tem como meta a demonstração de sistemas de comunicação baseados em portadoras caóticas empregando osciladores optoelectrónicos caóticos controlados por tensão (C-OVCOs) obtidos com a integração de díodos de efeito de túnel ressonantes (RTDs), incorporando regiões para foto-detecção (PD), e díodos de laser (LDs). O RTD-PD é um dispositivo semicondutor com uma característica corrente-tensão com a forma de um N, exibindo uma região de resistência diferencial negativa altamente não-linear (NDR) que pode ser usado para gerar oscilações eléctricos periódicas e caóticos até frequências de alguns terahertz (THz).

A combinação da capacidade de transdução óptico-eléctrica (O/E) e da região NDR intrínseca altamente não-linear e de banda larga (multi-gigahertz) do RTD-PD, que também funciona como um amplificador intrínseco, e a capacidade de transdução eléctrico-óptico (E/O) não-linear dos LDs torna os OVCOs baseados em RTDs adequados para a geração de sinais caóticos de elevada dimensionalidade simultaneamente nos domínios eléctrico e óptico, ao mesmo tempo que permite o seu controlo por sinais eléctricos e ópticos externos.

Especificamente, a equipa do projecto propõe-se demonstrar pontos de acesso de sistemas de comunicação óptica compactos e de baixo consumo de energia baseados na sincronização dos osciladores optoelectrónicos caóticos controlados por tensão (OVCOs), para taxas de transmissão de dados de vários Gb/s.
3.1.b Em inglês
3.1.b In English
Chaotic systems produce signals that are highly sensitive to specific parameters initial conditions, as well as being irregular (with noise-like appearance), aperiodic, uncorrelated, and broadband which makes their behavior difficult to predict over long periods of time.

Since these are the signal properties required by communications systems such as spread-spectrum, multi-user and secure communications, chaotic signals have been proposed as broadband information carriers to enhance the robustness of communication channels subjected to perturbations and channel interference from narrowband frequency ranges and other unavoidable disturbances.

Broadband signal generation at the physical layer offers extra degrees of privacy which can reinforce (via robust hardware encryption) both current software-based and future quantum cryptography systems. In other words, chaotic sources allow implementation of steganography at the physical layer improving the security of encryption techniques. Moreover, chaotic signals open the possibility to transmit signals below the average noise floor in applications where the transmission power or the power spectral density in the available band is limited as e.g. is the case of unlicensed radio applications, adding extra privacy to the transmission.

In chaotic communication based schemes the encrypted message is encoded and embedded within a chaotic carrier in the emitter. The noise-like appearance of the chaotic signals is used to conceal the message in such a way that it is hard for an eavesdropper to extract without a priori knowledge of the chaotic carrier.

Chaos-based communication systems are grounded on the synchronization of the chaotic behavior of the receiver to the information-bearing chaotic signal that with appropriate techniques allows the decoding through the separation of the chaotic carrier and the message. The message is decoded by the appropriate receiver synchronization to the emitter carrier, a nonlinear filtering process that replicates locally the message-free emitter chaotic signal, which is then used for subtraction from the encoded transmitted signal.

Optical systems provide simple ways of generating very high-dimensional optical chaotic carriers offering the possibility of very high transmission rates without the need of changing substantially the existing networks infrastructures and configurations. Most optical chaotic systems that can be used for communications use optoelectronic oscillators based on semiconductor lasers which have their operation disturbed by optical injection, optoelectronic feedback, or direct modulation that induces instabilities in the laser leading to the generation of broad band chaotic optical signals.

However, the complexity of these systems, either hybrid or monolithic, requiring a considerable number of linear and nonlinear optoelectronic components, makes practical realization of chaotic communication systems very challenging.

Recognizing that a major challenge towards economically viable future optical chaos-based network technologies is to implement simple and low-cost chaotic systems, we propose the demonstration of such a system employing chaotic-optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillators (C-OVCOs) based on the integration of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs), incorporating photo-detection (PD) regions, and laser diodes (LDs). The RTD is a semiconductor device with an N shaped current-voltage characteristic exhibiting a highly non-linear negative differential resistance (NDR) region that can be used to generate periodic and chaotic electrical oscillations in the microwave band of frequencies (1-40 GHz).

The combination of the RTD-PD optical-electrical (O/E) transduction and intrinsic broadband (multi-gigahertz) highly non-linear NDR region, that also functions as an intrinsic amplifier, and the LD non-linear dynamic electrical-optical (E/O) transduction make the OVCOs suitable for generating high-dimensional broadband chaotic signals in both electrical and optical domains simultaneously that can be controlled by external electrical and optical signals.

Specifically, we propose to demonstrate simple, compact low-cost and low-power chaotic communication access points at Gb/s data rates based on the synchronization of C-OVCO at the emitter (master oscillator) and C-OVCO at receiver (slave oscillator).

The Principal Investigator know-how on RTD-based optoelectronic circuits, and the team members’ wide range of skills that includes knowledge of optical communication systems, modeling of nonlinear dynamics and chaos of RTDs, LDs and related systems, makes the team well qualified to accomplish the goal of the proposal: demonstration of chaotic access points using RTD-LD and RTD-PD chaotic-optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillators with the appropriate synchronization schemes to transmit messages at Gb/s data rates.

3.2. Descrição Técnica
3.2 Technical Description

3.2.1. Revisão da Literatura
3.2.1. Literature Review
Communications using chaotic signals

The signatures of chaotic systems behaviour include erratic, noise-like fluctuations in the temporal evolution of the system’s outputs, broad band features in the power spectrum, and extreme sensitivity to application of small perturbations to the systems’ variables [8].

Because of its intrinsically unpredictable behaviour and broad band nature, chaotic signals have been propose to act as chaotic carriers in communication systems taking advantage of the aforementioned chaotic signal characteristics to reinforce security of encrypted information-bearing signals [1].

Contrary to chaotic electronic signals that typically have bandwidths of hundreds of kHz or less optoelectronic chaotic oscillators employing high-speed resonant tunneling diode and laser diode devices can have bandwidths up to tens of GHz [1,9] which brings the possibility to implement broad-band chaos-based optical communication links employing chaotic optoelectronic oscillators as sources of chaotic carriers [4].

Indeed, the optical transmission of information using chaotic signals has been confirmed [9], followed by the demonstration of chaos-based optical communications at high bit rates using commercial fibre-optic links [1]. Semiconductor lasers are the most common source of light used in high bandwidth optical communications systems.

According to Arecchi's classification (based on their number of degrees of freedom) [4], these types of lasers belong to the class-B lasers since their dynamical behaviour can be described using a two rate equations model (they have two degrees of freedom). According to the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem [8] they cannot be intrinsically chaotic and at least one degree of freedom must be added to produce chaos.

Several ways of making semiconductor lasers chaotic have been proposed over the last decades using techniques such as modulation of the cavity losses, modulation of the resonance frequency laser cavity, modulation of the injection current, external optical injection locking and delayed feedback [4]. However, the chaotic based optical communication systems based on such schemes are quite complex configurations and involve a considerable number of linear and nonlinear components.

Here we propose to demonstrate a new type of chaotic based optical communication scheme employing a C-OVCO that takes advantage of the wide bandwidth non-linear negative differential resistance (NDR) characteristic of resonant tunnelling diode (RTD)s to drive the laser diode (LD) dynamics, recently reported in [5,6].

Resonant tunnelling diodes

Semiconductor double barrier quantum well (DBQW) resonant tunnelling diodes (RTDs) are semiconductor structures which utilize wave nature of electrons. RTDs present pronounced non-linear current-voltage (I-V) characteristic, Fig. 1, with wide-bandwidth NDR region, inherent high speed, structural simplicity and relative easiness of fabrication, flexible design, and versatile circuits’ functionalities [11]. The very high speed operation arises from the extremely small size of the DBQW structure along the direction of carrier transport and the tunnelling process responsible for carrier flow. Since the NDR corresponds to electric gain it can be applied to signal generation, detection and mixing, in multi-valued logic switches at extremely high frequency, as well as in low-power amplifiers, local oscillators and frequency locking circuits, and generation of multiple high frequency harmonics, extending well into the submillimetre-wave band [12].

RTD based optoelectronic relaxation oscillators can generate constant width short electrical and optical pulses over a large range of repetition rates (up to tens of GHz), be phase-locked at the harmonic and sub-harmonic frequencies [12,13], and be easily integrated either in hybrid or monolithic configurations [13,14].

Besides the high speed potential, the negative differential resistance (NDR) makes it possible to operate RTDs as so-called functional devices, enabling electrical and optoelectronic circuits to be designed on different principles from those applied to conventional devices [15,16].

RTD-based optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillators (OVCOs)

The RTD-OVCOs, from now on refereed as RTD-PD-LD oscillators, combine the properties and capabilities of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs), incorporating photo-detection (PD) regions, with laser diodes (LDs) functionalities.

The output power of the laser is controlled by the current oscillation produced by the RTD when biased in the NDR region. The chaotic dynamics of this new system can be either entirely controlled be the RTD nonlinear behaviour or take also advantage of the LD non-linear dynamics capabilities. This means one can take advantage of both RTD and LD nonlinearities to produce high-dimensional chaos in the OVCO electrical and optical outputs. This system turns out to be a very rich chaos generator taking advantage of both electrical and optical components to produce instabilities and complex behaviour in the oscillator outputs. These oscillators are quite weel described as Liénard systems [17,19].

So far, our team preliminary results show the RTD-PD-LD oscillators can operate as voltage controlled oscillator [13,14], can be controlled either by electrical [6] and optical signals [20], produce chaotic output in the electrical and optical domains [5,17], and can operate in the self-injection regime [21].

The research activities associated with the proposed RTD-PD-LD system involves the study the processes that determine RTD-PD-LD rich non-linear dynamics in order to predict the best designs and operating parameters that leads to the production of high-dimensional chaos and robust synchronization. In ‘Plan and Methods’ we describe in detail the optoelectronic chaotic system and the synchronization methods that are object of the proposal.
3.2.2. Plano e Métodos
3.2.2. Plan and Methods
RTD-based optoelectronic voltage controlled chaotic oscillator

The RTD-based optoelectronic voltage controlled oscillators (OVCOs), from now on refereed as RTD-PD-LD oscillators, combine the properties and capabilities of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs), incorporating photo-detection (PD) regions, with laser diodes (LDs) functionalities.

The optoelectronic chaotic system is based on the integration of a RTD driving circuit with a communications laser diode. The RTD driver is coupled to the laser diode (LD) forming a directly modulated laser diode RTD-LD system. The addition of the RTD to the laser driving circuit enhances the laser diode non-linear behaviour under external perturbation which can lead to higher-dimensional chaos.

The physical layout of the RTD-PD-LD chaotic oscillator prototype circuit is shown in Fig. 2. The devices are surface-mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB). The laser diode (operating around 1550 nm) and the RTD are connected in series and are fed through a transmission microstrip line. The corresponding equivalent electrical circuit is illustrated in Fig. 3, where the parallel capacitor C corresponds to the RTD intrinsic capacitance. Figure 4 shows RTD, LD and RTD-LD current-voltage I-V characteristics exhibiting a strong non-linearity due to the negative differential resistance (NDR) region. Moreover, the DBQW-RTD consists of a unipolar semiconductor layer structure incorporating photo-condutive regions that makes possible the RTD work as a photo-detector (RTD-PD), Fig. 5. As represented schematical in Fig. 5, the RTD-PD-LD association can be controlled both electrically and optically.

Considering both electrical and optical output and input ports, Figure 6(a) and (b) shows two possible configurations operating in a chaotic regime that take advantage of the strong circuit’s non-linearities. These configurations are based on the perturbation schemes using external injection (a) and optoelectronic delayed feedback (b) to generate high-dimensional chaos.

When not perturbed, the circuit produces self-oscillations - relaxation oscillations both in the optical and electrical domains. When driven by a periodic signals or when subjected to time-delayed feedback the optoelectronic circuit can display a sort of behaviours, depending of the applied signal or delayed characteristics:
i) the natural oscillations can become entrained to oscillate at the same frequency as the driving force – frequency locking;
ii) or the natural and the applied signals/ delay cavity can give rise to quasi-periodic signals or even chaotic behaviour in which the frequency content of the waveforms across the device dramatically changes with the characteristics of the perturbation.

The behaviour transition sequences include frequency division, intermittency, frequency locking and several other phenomena [5,6,17].

The circuit is capable to generate deterministic chaos, with the long-term behaviour being extreme sensitivity to small perturbations to the circuit variables. Figure 7 shows examples of experimental quasi-periodic and chaotic regimes generated by external injection demonstrating the chaos generation capabilities of these circuits.

RTD-PD-LD Modelling

The study of nonlinear circuit oscillators has been important in the development of the theory of dynamical systems. For numerical purposes, the circuit of Fig. 3 can be modelled by the lumped RLC circuit configuration presented in Fig. 8. By applying Kirchoff's laws (using Faraday's law) to the circuit of Fig. 7, the voltage V across the capacitance C and the current I through the inductor L are given by a set of two first-order non-autonomous differential equations (Equation 1).

The system of equations (Equation 1) correspond to the generalized Liénard's system under external periodic injection where the non-linear I-V electrical characteristic of the RTD-PD-LD is represented by a mathematical function F(V) (Equation 2) which provides a satisfactory physics-based I-V model analysis of RTD semiconductor compounds. In order to correlate the response of the laser diode to its physical parameters we use rate equations (Equation 3) to describe the transient behaviour of the laser. The laser rate equations describe the interaction between electrons and photons within the laser cavity that determine the laser nonlinearity.

The RTD-PD-LD system is described by the coupling between the laser rate equations and the RTD-PD Liénard's oscillator, Equations 1-3. In this investigation we will study the physics that determine the instabilities occurring in the RTD and laser diode subjected to external injection and time delayed feedback. We will also investigate the contribution of laser intrinsic factors to the full system dynamics: the effects of nonlinear gain reduction and spontaneous emission factors will be investigated to find their influence in the appearance and disappearance of new routes to chaos. The main goal is to determine the most promising RTD-PD-LD oscillator topology for robust and high-dimensional chaos generation.

Synchronization of chaos

The key for chaos based communications is chaos synchronization [18]. In 1990 Pecora and Carroll [3] reported that chaotic systems possess a self-synchronization property showing that certain subsystems can be synchronized by linking them with common signals.

In general the synchronization of a transmitter-receiver system can be achieved by injection, unidirectional or mutual coupling synchronization. They considered the situation of unidirectional driving, in which one has a couple of transmitter-receiver systems such that a signal from the transmitter is injected into the receiver in such a way that both systems become synchronized. They first considered the case of synchronizing two exact replicas of a given system (homogeneous driving) starting with different initial conditions. Then, they also showed that synchronization is robust to small perturbations on the parameters of the transmitter or receiver systems. This is an important result for experimental settings, where one does not usually have two exact replicas of a chaotic system. This situation is usually referred to as inhomogeneous driving.

Following Pecora and Carroll work it is possible to construct a synchronization scheme using identical RTD-PD-LD emitter/receiver systems based on optical injection phenomena. This technique is usually called complete chaos synchronization [4, 18]. The chaos synchronization occurs after the receiver receives a chaotic signal from the transmitter when the transmitter and receiver are divided into several subsystems. In this case, the time lag of the signal in the receiver system is defined by time , which is the transmission time of signal from the transmitter to the receiver.

In general, this type of chaos synchronization in laser systems is achieved by optical injection locking and amplification of signals form the transmitter to the receiver. This is a well-known phenomenon of injection-locking in laser systems and can be used to study the synchronization performance of RTD-PD-LD operating in the chaotic regime.

Considering the high-bandwidth chaos generation and simple implementation of of RTD-PD-LD oscillators, and considering its low power consumption and optical and electrical control, we expect to achieve robust syncrhonization of RTD-PD-LD oscillators. The application of the chaos synchronization scheme to the novel RTD-PD-LD system will provide a deeper insight into the transmission and synchronization of chaotic signals in these new types of optoelectronic systems.

The investigation in detail of the synchronization scheme of two chaotic RTD laser systems can produce an innovative approach in securing data communications by message encryption at the physical level offering a certain degree of intrinsic privacy, which can complement both classical software-based and other physical-based cryptography systems.

Expected outcomes:
- Test-bed demonstration of the feasibility of novel low cost chaotic sources using RTD-PD-LD circuits; - Development of simple, flexible and cost-effective RTD-PD-LD chaotic circuits capable of function as transmitter-receivers, with appropriated working characteristics for the novel chaos based communication networks operating with Gb/s transmission rates;

Other expected outcomes:
- Reinforce collaboration between researchers within the University of the Algarve and with research groups at University of Glasgow, UK, University of Illes Baleares, Spain, and INESC Porto/FE/UP.
- Start interacting with other international research groups/projects/consortia to interchange nonlinear dynamics applied to enginnering systems know-how and chaos-based communication technologies.

3.2.3. Tarefas
3.2.3. Tasks

Lista de tarefas (4)
Task list (4)

Designação da tarefa
Task denomination
Data de início
Start date
Data de fim
End date
Pessoas * mês
Person * months
1 Implementation of RTD-PD-LD chaotic o... 01-01-2013 31-12-2013 12 36

Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados
Task description and Expected results
The main objective of the proposal is to demonstrate RTD-PD-LD oscillators operating in the chaotic regime that can be synchronized in a robust manner. The main goal of this task is to determine the most promising oscillators’ topologies for chaos generation and reception, providing both the emitter and the receiver chaotic oscillators.
In the case of the RTD-PD-LD operating as a chaotic emitter, the task includes the numerical and experimental implementations of the circuit layouts that permit to obtain high-dimensional chaos and produce robust high-bandwidth electrical and optical chaotic carriers over a wide range of control parameters. The circuits are intended for Gb/s data rates transmission. There exist a priori many possibilities to generate a chaotic signal. This signal has to be used later in the project to mask or encrypt a message to be transmitted. The final carrier to be chosen for the encryption system should exhibit adequate characteristics such as good random properties, wide spectrum in a high bit rate bandwidth (up to Gb/s); large possibilities for choosing encryption, and a good ability for an accurately synchronization at the receiver (decoding capability).
In the case of the RTD-PD-LD receivers the main objective is to obtain oscillator circuits topologies that can maximize the optical chaos reception for Gb/s signal extraction from a transmitted chaotic carrier. This part of the project is intended to define an optimal topology of the receiver chaotic access point in the encryption system.

The numerical and computational electro-photonic RTD-PD-LD circuit models already implemented by the team will be tested. More detailed numerical and models will be considered to gain deeper insight into the chaotic regimes characteristics, in particular to investigate RTD-PD-LD nonlinear dynamic behaviours towards the determination of the most suitable circuit parameters to obtain high-dimensional chaotic behaviour that can be synchronized in a robust manner for optical communication purposes. Different topologies will be investigated analytically and numerically. Computational models of the circuits will be implemented using tools such as “Mathematica”, “Matlab”, and “Spice” – the general purpose circuit simulator.
The following fundamental theoretical studies used in nonlinear dynamics will be carried out to provide a detailed map of the electrical-optical chaos generation outputs:
- Time domain and frequency domain analysis;
- Trajectory diagrams in the cylindrical space, in the plane space and Poincaré maps;
- Synchronization and bifurcation maps: n-dimensional/Arnold tongues and circle maps/Devil staircases;
- Chaos characterization: using Lyapunov spectrum, dimension and entropy analysis.
The experimental part of the task will include the implementation of the chaotic oscillators according to the design and theoretical studies described previously and following the next guidelines:
- Optimization of circuits capable of robust high-dimensional chaotic generation;
- Experimental determination of the feasibility of chaos-encoded communication systems with transmitter-receiver oscillators;
- Preliminary investigations of the necessary chaotic synchronization conditions and methods for transmission of data through chaotic carrier data encoding using RTD-PD-LD chaotic oscillators.
Formulate numerical physical models of the RTD-PD-LD optoelectronic chaotic emitters and receivers.
Obtain detailed information on the chaotic operation regimes of the implemented circuits, and an exhaustive report on the influence of circuit parameters that define and characterize the chaotic behaviour. Obtain chaotic emitter prototypes that operate in robust chaotic regimes and that exhibit adequate characteristics for optical chaos Gb/s data rate transmission.
During this task we will interact frequently with Dr. Julien Javaloyes (UIB) in the modelling and with Professor Charles Ironside (UG) in the experimental aspects.

Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa
Members of the research team in this task
(BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 2; Bruno Miguel Patarata Romeira; Henrique Manuel de Castro Faria Salgado; Horacio Izaias Cantu Quirino; João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira; José Maria Longras Figueiredo; LUIS MANUEL DE SOUSA PESSOA; Ricardo Pedro Custodinho da Avó;

Designação da tarefa
Task denomination
Data de início
Start date
Data de fim
End date
Pessoas * mês
Person * months
2 Investigation of RTD-PD-LD chaotic os... 01-07-2013 30-06-2014 12 36

Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados
Task description and Expected results
The key phenomenon that enables two chaotic systems to communicate is called synchronization. The main goals of this task are:
- evaluate synchronization capacity between chaotic emitter and receiver;
- evaluate pseudo-randomness permitting masking of secret messages;
- preliminary analysis of compatibility of chaos cryptography with modern optical communication networks.

This task is divided in two parts. In the first part (A) communication system receiver is studied with more detail because the receiver will extract the information transmitted by the emitter. In the second part (B) we will evaluate the synchronization quality before determining the communication link quality as measured by the bit error ratio (BER) in the final task 3 of this project.

Part (A): Receiver operation and extraction of the message

The properties of the RTD-PD-LD operating as receivers have to be matched with those of the RTD-PD-LD operating as emitters in order to provide chaotic synchronization. This means, the first part of this work task will be done in direct connection with the assigned Task 1. In particular the range for parameter mismatches to effect synchronisation has to be established to determine if the mismatch is strict enough to prevent the eavesdropper to fabricate a clone receptor. The determination of the following aspects is expected:
- decrypting quality;
- maximum transmission rate and confidentiality issues;
- signal-noise ratio and signal division;
- determine parameter mismatches to effect synchronisation;
- robustness against environmental influence.

Part (B): Evaluation of the synchronization quality

The link between the two chaotic signals that allows for their synchronization is termed coupling. This coupling can be implemented in different ways: unidirectional coupling and bidirectional coupling are the most common. We will choose unidirectional coupling using and optical fiber as the transmission channel, which corresponds to the classic "master-slave" synchronization scheme where the slave signal is expected to faithfully follow the master signal. The master system is called the "emitter" and the slave system the "receiver." This strategy is simpler and low cost to be implemented using an optic-fiber link.

The succefull implementations of the synchronization scheme will depende on the following aspects:
- encoding and decoding methods;
- method of synchronisation (uni-, bidirectional, etc.);
- presence of noise, or some other perturbation (e.g., delay);

Therefore, this part of the work will be implemented considering the following main themes to evaluate the synchronization quality:
- High-bandwidth chaotic synchronisation.
- Robustness of the Synchronisation.
- Message encoding and decoding;
- Determination of maximum bandwidth for message encoding.
- Quantifying the Security of Message Transmission.

The following analysis is expected from the synchronization tests:

- Comparison of the performance of the closed-loop, Fig. 9(a), and open-loop receiver, Fig. 9(b), synchronization schemes
- Determination of range of parameters for synchronisation.
- Determination of frequency characteristics of synchronized receiver.

Following the guidelines presented in the previous section which describes the optoelectronic system and synchronization schemes, the research activities aim the investigation of the optoelectronic complex system that has the potential to implement novel optical communication systems functions, especially optical communications using chaotic signals.

Outcomes: Detailed information on the synchronization conditions needed to encode a message in the transmitter chaotic carrier and recover it using a receiver incorporating similar RTD-PD-LD chaotic oscillators. Determination of the feasibility of chaos-encoded communication with RTD-PD-LD oscillators.

During this task we will interact frequently with Dr. Julien Javaloyes (UIB) and with Professor Charles Ironside (UG).

Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa
Members of the research team in this task
(BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 2; Bruno Miguel Patarata Romeira; Henrique Manuel de Castro Faria Salgado; Horacio Izaias Cantu Quirino; João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira; José Maria Longras Figueiredo; LUIS MANUEL DE SOUSA PESSOA; Ricardo Pedro Custodinho da Avó;

Designação da tarefa
Task denomination
Data de início
Start date
Data de fim
End date
Pessoas * mês
Person * months
3 Evaluation of chaos-based communicati... 01-04-2014 31-12-2014 9 36

Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados
Task description and Expected results
The aim of this this task is to demonstrate that reliable high-speed encoded optical communication. At the physical layer, the encryption is not performed via algorithms implemented in software, but via a novel form of hardware encryption called chaos cryptography using chaos generated by RTD-PD-LD oscillators.

This task examines the system limitations in terms of transmission, residual parameter mismatch, and security of a cryptographic system based on chaos. The main limitation is expected to be fibre dispersion due to the large width of the chaotic spectrum. Improvements are proposed to overcome possible limitations of the communication system, including the system architecture to account for known cryptography attacks.

First, we will evaluate the compatibility of chaos cryptography with modern optical communications. Various deformations interfere with the signal during propagation through the fiber link. The high sensitivity of chaotic systems is an incitation to study the deformations of the transmitted message and the induced synchronization loss, or, at the least, the sharp degradation of the synchronization quality and the communication quality when the message is included.

To analyze quantitatively the behavior of our system, we proceeded with preliminary tests that will determine the physical parameters to achieve robust synchronization with chaos encoded messages;
- Investigation of several information encoding techniques such as chaos masking, Fig. 10(a), chaos modulation and chaos shift keying, Fig. 10(b) will be considered.
- Determination of signal requirements and signal extraction performance.

The last part of the task consists of the following communication tests:
- evaluation of transmission through a point-to-point fibre link of encoded messages at Gbit/s rates (using NRZ and RZ data formats);
- back-to-back transmission at laboratory level;
- analysis of the different transmission schemes of the emitter and receiver;
- bit error rate (BER) measurements;
- compensation techniques.

Outcomes: If achieved the main goals of task 2 and 3, we expect to have a significant impact in the state of the art of optoelectronic systems in general and chaos based systems in particular, namely:
- demonstrate a new method of transmission based on chaos;
- improve the state-of-the-art of existing methods of chaotic communication systems based on chaos synchronization towards component integration and miniaturization through the introduction of chaotic optical oscillators based on RTD-PD-LD oscillators.

During this task we will interact frequently with Dr. Julien Javaloyes (UIB) and with Professor Charles Ironside (UG).

Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa
Members of the research team in this task
(BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 2; Bruno Miguel Patarata Romeira; Henrique Manuel de Castro Faria Salgado; Horacio Izaias Cantu Quirino; João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira; José Maria Longras Figueiredo; LUIS MANUEL DE SOUSA PESSOA; Ricardo Pedro Custodinho da Avó;

Designação da tarefa
Task denomination
Data de início
Start date
Data de fim
End date
Pessoas * mês
Person * months
4 Managment 01-01-2013 31-12-2014 24 4

Descrição da tarefa e Resultados Esperados
Task description and Expected results
This task concentrates all the management activities and will occur during all the extension of the project.

The main goals are:

- At the operational level, it is designed to ensure that the project will be progressing in conformity to the work plan in particular with regard to the milestones, the progress reports, as well as the planned resources.

- At the organizational level, the goal is to achieve maximum efficiency of the infrastructural setup to support the project, with special attention paid to financial, logistics, information, coordination issues and in terms of quality and conformity to FCT rules and procedures.

Daily administrative management work and handling of the project logistics is to be handled by the administrative staff of CEOT-UALGPorto and locally by administrative staff of INESC/Porto.

The administrative staff, provided by each participating
institution, will be supervised by each local coordinator.

Membros da equipa de investigação nesta tarefa
Members of the research team in this task
(BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 1; (BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 2; Henrique Manuel de Castro Faria Salgado; Horacio Izaias Cantu Quirino; José Maria Longras Figueiredo; LUIS MANUEL DE SOUSA PESSOA;

3.2.4. Calendarização e Gestão do Projeto
3.2.4. Project Timeline and Management

3.2.4.a Descrição da Estrutura de Gestão
3.2.4.a Description of the Management Structure
1. Management structure and coordination between partners

This proposal includes researchers from two research institutions: CEOT-UAlG and INESC-Porto.

Tasks 1, 2, and 4 will be executed at the CEOT-UAlg with the collaboration of the INESC-Porto team.

Task 3 will be performed at INESC-Porto with the collaboration of CEOT-UAlG team.

The Project Coordinator is Dr. José Figueiredo from CEOT-UAlG. His primary role is to represent the intermediary between the FCT and the consortium as well as to promote and supervise overall technical and scientific progress.

The primary role of the Local Coordinator is to promote and supervise the local technical and scientific progress.

List of local coordinators:
- Dr. José Figueiredo (CEOT-UAlG)
- Dr. Henrique Salgado (INESC-Porto)

The Executive Committee is the decision-implementing body of the project and it is made up of the project and local coordinators. It will be in charge of the operational management of all the activities of the project. Senior researchers of this project may be invited to work as an advisory board to provide points of view and advices.

Daily administrative management work and handling of the project logistics and the Intellectual Property support are ad hoc structures from CEOT-UAlG and INESC-Porto, respectively, which will support the execution of the project.

2. Meetings

- Project meetings will join all the researchers involved in this proposal and will occur three times for the duration of this project: a kick-off meeting, half-way meeting and a end-off-project meeting.

- Task meetings, will join all the researcher of a partner institution involved in a particular task and will occur regularly throughout the execution of the task.

- Coordination meetings will join the members of the executive committee, and eventually the members of the advisory board, and will occur at the beginning, middle and end of each task.

3. Reporting processes

A mid-term and final report will be produced for every task, which will be forming the year progress report, and respective final report. A compilation of the results will be done by producing a complete report every 12 months.

Local coordinators will be responsible for internal progress reports at the end of each trimester. These are short reports aimed at keeping the other research partners informed of the global progress of the project and will be posted on the internet in a workgroup specially created for this project to share information, documentation and software and constituting a tool of coordination between the research teams.
3.2.4.b Lista de Milestones
3.2.4.b Milestone List
Designação da milestone
Milestone denomination
30-06-2013 M1 - Emitter chaotic oscillator topology definition
As the task 1 middle term result of task 1, the RTD-PD-LD emitter chaotic oscillator topology should be defined.

Designação da milestone
Milestone denomination
31-12-2013 M2 - Receiver chaotic oscillator topology definition
As the task 1 final term, the RTD-PD-LD receiver chaotic oscillator topology should be defined.

Designação da milestone
Milestone denomination
30-06-2014 M3 - Synchronization schemes definition
As the result of task 2 middle term, the RTD-PD-LD emitter and receiver chaotic oscillators promising synchronization schemes should be determined.

Designação da milestone
Milestone denomination
31-12-2014 M4 - Chaotic communication system demonstration
As the result of task 3 and end of the project, a successful demonstration of the chaotic communication system is expected.

3.2.4.c Cronograma
3.2.4.c Timeline
Ficheiro com a designação "timeline.pdf", no 9. Ficheiros Anexos, desta Visão Global (caso exista).
File with the name "timeline.pdf" at 9. Attachments (if exists).

3.3. Referências Bibliográficas
3.3. Bibliographic References



[19] 2012 B. Romeira, J. M. L Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, J. Javaloyes (2012). Dynamics of Optoelectronic Liénard Oscillators, Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Synchronization with Selected Applications in Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Springer, Germany.

[18] 2001 A. Pikovsky, M. Rosenblum, J. Kurths ``Synchronization: A universal concept in nonlinear sciences'', Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001.

[17] 2008 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, T. J. Slight, L. Wang, E. Wasige, C. N. Ironside, J. M. Quintana, M. J. Avedillo, "Synchronisation and chaos in a laser diode driven by a resonant tunneling diode", IET Optoelectronics 2, 211-215, 2008.

[16] 2010 José Figueiredo, Bruno Romeira, Thomas Slight and Charles Ironside (2010). Resonant Tunnelling Optoelectronic Circuits, Advances in Optical and Photonic Devices, Ki Young Kim (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-76-3, InTech

[15] 1998 P. Mazumeder et al., “Digital Circuit Applications of Resonant Tunneling Devices”, Proceedings of the IEEE 86, 4, 1998.

[14] 2008 T. J. Slight, B. Romeira, L. Wang, J. M. L. Figueiredo, E. Wasige, C. N. Ironside, "A Liénard Oscillator Resonant Tunnelling-Laser Diode Hybrid Integrated Circuit: Model and Experiment", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 44,1158-1163, 2008.

[13] 2008 J. M. L. Figueiredo, B. Romeira, T. J. Slight, L. Wang, E. Wasige, C. N. Ironside, "Self-oscillation and period adding from a resonant tunnelling diode – laser diode circuit", Electronics Letters 44, 876-878, 2008.

[12] 1998 S. Verghese, C. D. Parker, E. R. Brown, “Phase noise of a resonant-tunneling relaxation oscillator”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 20, 1998.

[11] 1995 H. Mizuta, T. Tanoue, “The Physics and Applications of Resonant Tunnelling Diodes”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1995.

[10] 1974 L. L. Chang, L. Esaki, R. Tsu, “Resonant tunneling in semiconductor double barriers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 24, 593 , 1974.

[9] 1998 Van Wiggeren, G. D. & Roy, R. Communications with chaotic lasers, Science 279, 1198 (1998);

[8] 1993 E. Ott, ``Chaos in Dynamical Systems,'' Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1993.

[5] 2009 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, T. J. Slight, Chaotic Dynamics in Resonant Tunneling Optoelectronic Voltage Controlled Oscillators, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, no. 24, pp. 1819-1821, 2009.

[4] 2005 J. Ohtsubo, ``Semiconductor lasers: stability, instability and chaos'', Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.

[3] 1990 Synchronization in chaotic systems, Louis M. Pecora and Thomas L. Carroll, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 821–824 (1990)

[2] 2008 Photonic Integrated Device for Chaos Applications in Communications, A. Argyris1,2, M. Hamacher3, K. E. Chlouverakis1, A. Bogris1, and D. Syvridis1, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 194101 (2008) [4 pages]

[1] 2005 Chaos-based communications at high bit rates using commercial fibre-optic links, Apostolos Argyris1, Dimitris Syvridis1, Laurent Larger2, Valerio Annovazzi-Lodi3, Pere Colet4, Ingo Fischer5,10, Jordi García-Ojalvo6, Claudio R. Mirasso7, Luis Pesquera8 & K. Alan Shore9, Nature 438, 343-346 (17 November 2005) | doi:10.1038/nature04275

[7] 2009 S. Suzuki, A. Teranishi, K. Hinata, M. Asada, H. Sugiyama, H. Yokoyama, “Fundamental Oscillation of up to 831 GHz in GaInAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diode”, Appl. Phys. Express 2, 054501, 2009.

[6] 2009 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, T. J. Slight, L. Wang, E. Wasige, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, R. Green, "Nonlinear Dynamics of Resonant Tunneling Optoelectronic Circuits for Wireless/Optical Interfaces", to be published in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2009.

[19] 2012 B. Romeira, J. M. L Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, J. Javaloyes (2012). Dynamics of Optoelectronic Liénard Oscillators, Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Synchronization with Selected Applications in Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Springer, Germany.

[21] 2011 B. Romeira, K. Seunarine, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, J. M. L. Figueiredo, A Self-Synchronized Optoelectronic Oscillator based on an RTD Photo-Detector and a Laser Diode, Photon. Technol. Lett., 23 (16), pp. 1148-1150, 2011.

[20] 2010 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, T. J. Slight, Optical Control of a Resonant Tunneling Diode Microwave-Photonic Oscillator, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 21, pp. 1610-1612, 2010

[5 ] 2009 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, T. J. Slight, Chaotic Dynamics in Resonant Tunneling Optoelectronic Voltage Controlled Oscillators, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, no. 24, pp. 1819-1821, 2009.

[6] 2009 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, T. J. Slight, L. Wang, E. Wasige, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, R. Green, Nonlinear Dynamics of Resonant Tunneling Optoelectronic Circuits for Wireless/Optical Interfaces, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1436-1445, 2009.

[17] 2008 Bruno Romeira, José M. L. Figueiredo, Thomas J. Slight, Liquan Wang, Edward Wasige, Charles N. Ironside, José M. Quintana, and Maria J. Avedillo, Synchronization and Chaos in a Laser Diode Driven by a Resonant Tunneling Diode, IET Optoelectronics 2 (6), 211-215 (2008)

[14] 2008 T. J. Slight, B. Romeira, L. Wang, J. M. L. Figueiredo, E. Wasige, and C. N. Ironside, A Liénard Oscillator Resonant Tunnelling-Laser Diode Hybrid Integrated Circuit: Model and Experiment, IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 44 (12), 1158-1163 (2008).

[13] 2008 J. M. L. Figueiredo, B. Romeira, T. J. Slight, L. Wang, E. Wasige, and C. N. Ironside, Self-oscillation and period adding from a resonant tunnelling diode – laser diode circuit, Electron. Lett. 44 (14), 876-877 (2008).

3.4. Publicações Anteriores
3.4. Past Publications

[i] 2008 Bruno Romeira, José M. L. Figueiredo, Thomas J. Slight, Liquan Wang, Edward Wasige, Charles N. Ironside, José M. Quintana, and Maria J. Avedillo, Synchronization and Chaos in a Laser Diode Driven by a Resonant Tunneling Diode, IET Optoelectronics 2 (6), 211-215 (2008)

[ii] 2009 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, T. J. Slight, L. Wang, E. Wasige, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, R. Green, Nonlinear Dynamics of Resonant Tunneling Optoelectronic Circuits for Wireless/Optical Interfaces, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1436-1445, 2009.

[iii] 2009 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, T. J. Slight, Chaotic Dynamics in Resonant Tunneling Optoelectronic Voltage Controlled Oscillators, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, no. 24, pp. 1819-1821, 2009.

[iv] 2010 B. Romeira, J. M. L. Figueiredo, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, T. J. Slight, Optical Control of a Resonant Tunneling Diode Microwave-Photonic Oscillator, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 21, pp. 1610-1612, 2010.

[v] 2011 B. Romeira, K. Seunarine, C. N. Ironside, A. E. Kelly, J. M. L. Figueiredo, A Self-Synchronized Optoelectronic Oscillator based on an RTD Photo-Detector and a Laser Diode, Photon. Technol. Lett., 23 (16), pp. 1148-1150, 2011.

3.5. Ressubmissão de projectos
3.5. Project Resubmission


4. Equipa de investigação
4. Research team

4.1 Lista de membros
4.1. Members list

% CV nuclear
Core CV
J. M. L. Figueiredo; José Longras Figueiredo, José Figueiredo Inv. Responsável DOUTORAMENTO 35 FCTSIG/cv

B. Romeira Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 50 FCTSIG/cv

H. M. Salgado Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 15 FCTSIG/cv

Horacio I. Cantu Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 50 FCTSIG/cv

João Manuel Barbosa de Oliveira Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 25 FCTSIG/cv

L. M. Pessoa Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 15 FCTSIG/cv

Ricardo Avó Investigador DOUTORAMENTO 20 FCTSIG/cv

(O curriculum vitae de cada membro da equipa está disponível clicando no nome correspondente)
(Curriculum vitae for each research team member is available by clicking on the corresponding name)

Total: 7

4.2. Lista de membros a contratar durante a execução do projeto
4.2. Members list to hire during project's execution

Membro da equipa
Team member
(BI) Bolseiro de Investigação (Mestre) 1 Bolseiro 18 100

(BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 1 Bolseiro 24 100

(BPD) Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento 2 Bolseiro 24 100

Total: 3

5. Outros projetos
5. Other projects

5.1. Projetos financiados
5.1. Funded projects

Programa de Estímulo à Investigação Física de circuitos osciladore... Concluído

PTDC/EEA-TEL/100755/2008 WOWi - Interfaces electro-ópti... Em curso

(Os detalhes de cada projetos estão disponíveis clicando na referência correspondente)
(Details for each project are available by clicking on the corresponding reference)

Total: 2

5.2. Candidaturas similares
5.2. Similar applications


6. Indicadores previstos
6. Expected indicators

Indicadores de realização previstos para o projeto
Expected output indicators

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

A - Publicações

0 0 0 0 0 0

Artigos em revistas internacionais
Papers in international journals
0 1 2 0 0 3

Artigos em revistas nacionais
Papers in national journals
0 1 2 0 0 3

B - Comunicações

Comunicações em encontros científicos internacionais
Communications in international meetings
0 1 3 0 0 4

Comunicações em encontros científicos nacionais
Communications in national meetings
0 1 2 0 0 3

C - Relatórios
0 1 2 0 0 3

D - Organização de seminários e conferências
Organization of seminars and conferences
0 1 1 0 0 2

E - Formação avançada
Advanced training

Teses de Doutoramento
PhD theses
0 0 0 0 0 0

Teses de Mestrado
Master theses
0 1 2 0 0 3

0 0 0 0 0 0

F - Modelos
0 0 0 0 0 0

G - Aplicações computacionais
0 0 0 0 0 0

H - Instalações piloto
Pilot plants
0 0 0 0 0 0

I - Protótipos laboratoriais
0 0 1 0 0 1

J - Patentes
0 0 1 0 0 1

L - Outros

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

Acções de divulgação da actividade científica
Scientific activity spreading actions

Produce material and/or collaborate in the production of articles for the dissemination of the project scientific component and project activities aimed at newspapers and magazines devoted to spreading scientific and technological knowledge to the general public.
In collaboration with the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve (CCV-Alg) we plan to produce a permanent poster exhibition to be complemented with oral presentations to disseminate the scientific fields and activities of project. Participate in the activities of the Equipa UALG, an initiative of the University of the Algarve dedicated to disseminate the scientific and technological activities of its R&D units and researchers at the basic and secondary schools in the Algarve region.

7. Orçamento
7. Budget

Instituição Proponente
Principal Contractor
Universidade do Algarve

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

Recursos Humanos
Human resources
0,00 40.147,00 40.300,00 0,00 0,00 80.447,00

0,00 3.000,00 4.000,00 0,00 0,00 7.000,00

0,00 1.500,00 2.000,00 0,00 0,00 3.500,00

Aquisição de bens e serviços
Service procurement and acquisitions
0,00 10.000,00 5.000,00 0,00 0,00 15.000,00

Registo de patentes
Patent registration
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Adaptação de edifícios e instalações
Adaptation of buildings and facilities
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Gastos gerais
0,00 13.476,00 10.260,00 0,00 0,00 23.736,00

0,00 68.123,00 61.560,00 0,00 0,00 129.683,00

0,00 12.730,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 12.730,00

Total 0,00 80.853,00 61.560,00 0,00 0,00 142.413,00

Instituições Participantes
Participating Institutions
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

Recursos Humanos
Human resources
0,00 6.572,00 13.219,00 0,00 0,00 19.791,00

0,00 1.500,00 3.500,00 0,00 0,00 5.000,00

0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Aquisição de bens e serviços
Service procurement and acquisitions
0,00 4.500,00 6.700,00 0,00 0,00 11.200,00

Registo de patentes
Patent registration
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Adaptação de edifícios e instalações
Adaptation of buildings and facilities
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Gastos gerais
0,00 2.814,00 5.484,00 0,00 0,00 8.298,00

0,00 15.386,00 28.903,00 0,00 0,00 44.289,00

0,00 1.500,00 4.000,00 0,00 0,00 5.500,00

Total 0,00 16.886,00 32.903,00 0,00 0,00 49.789,00

Orçamento Global
Global budget

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

Recursos Humanos
Human resources
0,00 46.719,00 53.519,00 0,00 0,00 100.238,00

0,00 4.500,00 7.500,00 0,00 0,00 12.000,00

0,00 1.500,00 2.000,00 0,00 0,00 3.500,00

Aquisição de bens e serviços
Service procurement and acquisitions
0,00 14.500,00 11.700,00 0,00 0,00 26.200,00

Registo de patentes
Patent registration
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Adaptação de edifícios e instalações
Adaptation of buildings and facilities
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Gastos gerais
0,00 16.290,00 15.744,00 0,00 0,00 32.034,00

0,00 83.509,00 90.463,00 0,00 0,00 173.972,00

0,00 14.230,00 4.000,00 0,00 0,00 18.230,00

Total 0,00 97.739,00 94.463,00 0,00 0,00 192.202,00

Plano de financiamento
Finance plan

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

Financiamento solicitado à FCT
Requested funding
0,00 97.739,00 94.463,00 0,00 0,00 192.202,00

Financiamento próprio
Own funding
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Outro financiamento público
Other public-sector funding
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Outro financiamento privado
Other private funding
0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Total do Projecto
Total of the project
0,00 97.739,00 94.463,00 0,00 0,00 192.202,00

8. Justificação do orçamento
8. Budget rationale

8.1. Justificação dos recursos humanos
8.1. Human resources rationale

Nº de pessoas
No. of persons
(BPD) Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento 2
Duração (em meses)
Duration (in months)
Custo envolvido (€) (calculado)
Total cost (€) (estimated)
Outros custos (€)
Other costs (€)
24 71.760,00 8.687,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
2 BPD fellowship:

- one post doctoral researcher to work on the experimental activities of tasks 1 and 2, and collaborate with the INESC team in task 3. Together with the PI the researcher will be in charge of the coordination of all experimental activities.

- one post doctoral researcher to work and be responsible by the computational modeling of tasks 1, 2 and 3. Together with the PI the researcher will be in charge of the coordination of all computational modeling activities and experimental results numerical analysis.
Nº de pessoas
No. of persons
(BI) Bolsa de Investigação (Mestre) 1
Duração (em meses)
Duration (in months)
Custo envolvido (€) (calculado)
Total cost (€) (estimated)
Outros custos (€)
Other costs (€)
18 17.640,00 2.151,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
18 months of a BI scholarship at INESC Porto for a graduate student that will be engaged on carrying out the experimental program of task 3, and also collaborate in the tasks 1 and 2.
8.2. Justificação de missões
8.2. Missions rationale

Nº de deslocações
No. of participations
Estágios de curta duração 2
Custo envolvido (€)
Cost (€)
Espanha e Reino Unido 5.500,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
The requested amount will support:
- Short visits to the Departament de Física - Universitat de les Illes Balears, UIB), Spain, and to the University of Glasgow (GU), UK. At the UIB we will interact with Non Linear Waves Group concerning the improvement of numerical models under development;
- Visits to GU to interact with the Optoelectronics and Micro- and Nanoelectronic research groups will be short (one week or two) stays and will be used to discuss new devices designs and certain fabrication procedures taking advantage of GU sophisticated fabrication facilities.
Nº de deslocações
No. of participations
Participação em congressos 8
Custo envolvido (€)
Cost (€)
Europe, Americas and Asia 6.500,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
To support the participation in relevant conferences and workshops for dissemination of results: 3 international and 3 national.
8.3. Justificação de consultores
8.3. Consultants rationale

Nome completo
Full name
Charles Norman Ironside
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow
Fase do projeto
Project phase
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
All 1.500,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
Professor Charles Ironside, of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow (GU), will closely follow the tasks 2, 3 and 4 (partially), advising and interchanging know-how with the CEOT-UALG team on optoelectronic integrated circuits employing RTDs, as part of a collaborative scheme between the UG and the CEOT-UALG. His visit will also include the participation on seminars and workshops, giving last year undergraduate students the opportunity to interact with a highly experienced scientist which can be an extra incentive for them to consider a carrier in R&D.
Página na Internet onde pode ser consultado o CV do consultor
Web page where the consultant’s CV can be accessed
Nome completo
Full name
Julien Javaloyes
Departament de Física - Universitat de les Illes Balears
Fase do projeto
Project phase
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
All 2.000,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
Dr. Julien Javaloyes will closely follow the first tasks, advising and interchanging know-how with the CEOT-UALG team on non-linear circuits employing RTDs, as part of a collaborative schemes between the UIB and the CEOT. His visit will also include the participation on seminars and workshops, giving last year undergraduate students the opportunity to interact with a highly experienced scientist which can work as an extra incentive for them to consider a carrier in R&D.
Página na Internet onde pode ser consultado o CV do consultor
Web page where the consultant’s CV can be accessed
8.4. Justificação de aquisição de bens e serviços
8.4. Service procurement and acquisitions

Custo (€)
Cost (€)
Devices and RF/Optical components 26.200,00
Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
As a start RTD-PD-LD oscillator circuits will be fabricated using commercial and research communication laser diode samples and already fabricated RTDs. As the work progresses we foresee the need to optimize RTD-PD structures. That will require new wafers growth and corresponding device fabrication possibly at UG facilities. Electronic and optical components and materials specifically for C-OVCOs implementation, characterization and testing; 100 km of SMF-28 fiber; dispersion compensation fibers; materials for scientific activity spreading actions;
8.6. Justificação do Equipamento
8.6. Equipment rationale

8.6.1. Equipamento já disponível para a execução do projecto
8.6.1 Available equipment

Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Wide-Bandwith Osciloscope Agilent Infiniium DCA 86100A 2003
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Network Analyser Agilent N5230A 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Optical Spectrum Analyser Anritsu MS9710b 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Electrical spectrum analyzer Anritsu MS2668C 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Tunable Filter OTF-920 with 12S2 filter on both sliders to cover 1530nm-1610nm Santec OTF-920-D-1-12-S2-2-12-S2-F-A 2003
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Wire Bonder TPT HB06/08/10 2007
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Vector signal generator 6GHz Rhode & Schwarz SMJ100A 2009
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Lightwave component analyzer Agilent 8703B-20GHz 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Optical spectrum analyzer Ando AQ6317B 2004
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Oscilloscope Mainframe Agilent 86100C Infiniium DCA-J 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
40 GHz optical / 50 GHz module, 1000-1600 nm SMF electrical Agilent 86109B 2004
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Pattern Generator & Error Detector Agilent N4901B-100 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Bench-top EDFA IPGPhotonics WDM EAD-1-C3-W 2005
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Vector network analyzer 40 GHz Agilent E8363B 2007
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Spectrum Analyzer 50 GHz Agilent E4448A 2007
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Signal generator 40GHz Agilent E8257D 2007
8.6.2. Discriminação do equipamento a adquirir
8.6.2. New equipment requested

Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
HIGHLY STABLE DFB LASER DIODE SOURCE (1550 nm) OZ Optics HIFOSS-01-3S-9/125-1550-S-1 2.500,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
HIGHLY STABLE DFB LASER DIODE SOURCE (1550 nm); This equipment will be used in the characterization experiments of the chaotic emitter oscillators for our task 1, and in task 2 and 3 for the optical encoding of the message (chaos masking) in the chaotic optical carrier.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
OPTICAL POWER METER WITH SMART DETECTOR HEAD: This equipment will be used in the characterization experiments of the emitter and receiver oscillators for our task 1, and in task 2 to monitor the optical power of the emitter and evaluate the coupling strength in the synchronization experiments.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
High-speed 5 GHz Fiber Optic Detectors (1550 nm) Thorlabs SIR5-FC 1.000,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
High-speed 5 GHz Fiber Optic Detectors (1550 nm): This equipment will be used in the characterization experiments of the emitter oscillators for our task 1. This equipment will be also used in the message extraction experiments for our tasks 2 and 3, as part of the synchronization system to detect and extract the message+optical carrier transmitted in the optical link.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
FIBER OPTIC ISOLATOR Thorlabs IO-F-1550APC 1.200,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
FIBER OPTIC ISOLATOR: This equipment will be used in the synchronization and chaos optical transmission experiments for our tasks 2 and 3 as part of the synchronization scheme to provide uni-directional coupling between the emitter and the receiver chaotic oscillators.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
FIBER OPTIC CIRCULATOR Thorlabs 6015-3-APC 750,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
FIBER OPTIC CIRCULATOR: This equipment will be used in the synchronization schemes and chaos optical transmission experiments for our tasks 2 and 3 as part of the synchronization schemes to separate optical signals that travel in the optical fiber, functioning as an isolator of the input, providing also bi-directional transmission over a single fiber for the synchronization tests.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
Electro-Optic Modulators 10 Gb/s Thorlabs LN83S-FC 1.550,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
Electro-Optic Modulators 10 Gb/s: This equipment will be used in the characterization experiments of the modulation characteristics of the chaotic receiver oscillators for our task 1, and in task 2 and 3 for the optical encoding of the Gb/s message (chaos masking) in the chaotic optical carrier.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
Stereo Microscope Motic SMZ-143-N2GG 500,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
Stereo microscopes for unpackaged die inspection and circuit assembly.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, 1528 - 1562 nm, Polarization Insensitive Thorlabs S9FC1004P 2.500,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, 1528 - 1562 nm, Polarization Insensitive: This equipment will be used in the characterization experiments of the receiver oscillators for our task 1, and in task 2 to evaluate the coupling efficient in the synchronization experiments as a function of the received optical power level.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
FIBER PIGTAILED ULTRA STABLE LASER MODULE (1550 nm): This equipment will be used in the characterization experiments of the emitter chaotic oscillators for our task 1, and in task 2 and 3 for the optical encoding of the message (chaos masking) in the chaotic optical carrier.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
2x2 SM Coupler, 1310 nm & 1550 nm, 50:50 Split, FC/APC  Thorlabs 10202A-50-APC 160,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
2x2 SM Coupler, 1310 nm & 1550 nm, 50:50 Split, FC/APC: This equipment will be used in the synchronization and chaos optical transmission experiments for our tasks 2 and 3 as part of the synchronization experiments to split message+optical carrier transmitted in the optical link to inject into the receiver and the subtraction unit.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
2x2 SM Coupler, 1310 nm & 1550 nm, 90:10 Split, FC/APC Thorlabs 10202A-90-APC 160,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
2x2 SM Coupler, 1310 nm & 1550 nm, 90:10 Split, FC/APC: This equipment will be used in the synchronization and chaos optical transmission experiments for our tasks 2 and 3 as part of the synchronization experiments to split message+optical carrier transmitted in the optical link to inject into the receiver and the subtraction unit.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
2x2 SM Tap, 1310 nm & 1550 nm, 99:1 Split, FC/APC Thorlabs 10202A-99-APC 160,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
2x2 SM Tap, 1310 nm & 1550 nm, 99:1 Split, FC/APC: This equipment will be used in the synchronization and chaos optical transmission experiments for our tasks 2 and 3 as part of the synchronization experiments to split message+optical carrier transmitted in the optical link to inject into the receiver and the subtraction unit.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
2 EDFA Multiwave photonics EDFA 4.000,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
2 EDFA to provide the necessary power recovery after transmission, followed by an optical filter to remove unwanted amplified spontaneous emission noise.
Tipo de equipamento
Equipment type
Custo (€)
Cost (€)
Computer Asus Asus 1.500,00

Justificação do financiamento solicitado
Rationale for requested funding
To be used in the numerical modeling, analysis of results and to control the characterization instrumentation.
8.7. Justificação de registo de patentes
8.7. Patent registration

8.8. Justificação de adaptação de edifícios e instalações
8.8. Adaptation of buildings and facilities


9. Ficheiros Anexos
9. Attachments

COOC - Equations.pdf 69Kb
COOC - Figures.pdf 2254Kb
COOC - timeline.pdf 23Kb
timeline.pdf 23Kb

10. Possíveis conflitos de interesse
10. Possible Conflicts of Interest


12-01-2019 3:44:02