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Watson, S. , Zhang, W., Tavares, J., Figueiredo, J., Cantu, H., Wang, J., Wasige, E. , Salgado, H., Pessoa, L. and Kelly, A. (2019) Resonant tunneling diode photodetectors for optical communications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 61(4), pp. 1121-1125. (doi:10.1002/mop.31689)
Watson, S. , Zhang, W., Tavares, J., Figueiredo, J., Cantu, H., Wang, J., Wasige, E. , Salgado, H., Pessoa, L. and Kelly, A. (2019) Resonant tunnelling diode photodetectors for optical communications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 61(4), pp. 1121-1125. (doi:10.1002/mop.31689)
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Wang, J., Al-Khalidi, A. , Zhang, C., Ofiare, A., Wang, L., Wasige, E. and Figueiredo, J. M. L. (2017) Resonant Tunneling Diode as High Speed Optical/Electronic Transmitter. In: 2017 10th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT), Liverpool, UK, 11-13 Sept 2017, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9781538627204 (doi:10.1109/UCMMT.2017.8068497)
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Wang, J., Al-Khalidi, A. , Alharbi, K., Ofiare, A., Zhou, H., Wasige, E. and Figueiredo, J. (2017) High Performance Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators as Terahertz Sources. In: European Microwave Conference, London, 3-7 Oct 2016, pp. 341-344. ISBN 9782874870439 (doi:10.1109/EuMC.2016.7824348)
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Romeira, B., Javaloyes, J., Ironside, C. N., Figueiredo, J. M.L., Balle, S. and Piro, O. (2013) Excitability and optical pulse generation in semiconductor lasers driven by resonant tunneling diode photo-detectors. Optics Express, 21(18), pp. 20931-20940. (doi:10.1364/OE.21.020931)
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Cantú, H.I., Romeira, B., Figueiredo, J.M.L., Kelly, A.E. and Ironside, C.N. (2013) Modulation accuracy of binary phase-shift keying signal broadcast after injection locking of a resonant tunneling diode microwave oscillator. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 55(4), pp. 705-711. (doi:10.1002/mop.27403)
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Romeira, B., Figueiredo, J., Ironside, C., Kelly, A. and Slight, T. (2010) Optical control of a resonant tunneling diode microwave-photonic oscillator. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22(21), pp. 1610-1612. (doi:10.1109/LPT.2010.2076331)
Figueiredo, J., Romeira, B., Slight, T. and Ironside, C. (2010) Resonant tunnelling optoelectronic circuits. In: Kim, K.Y. (ed.) Advances in Optical and Photonic Devices. InTech. ISBN 9789537619763
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Romeira, B., Figueiredo, J.M.L., Ironside, C.N., Kelly, A.E. and Slight, T.J. (2010) Optical Injection Locking of a Resonant Tunneling Diode Optical Waveguide Photo-Detector [paper ThF4]. In: 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2010), Cambridge, England, 7-9 April, 2010,
Romeira, B., Seunarine, K., Ironside, C.N., Kelly, A.E. , Slight, T.J. and Figueiredo, J.M.L. (2010) An Optoelectronic Oscillator based on a Resonant Tunneling Diode Photo-Detector Integrated Chip. In: IEEE Photonics Society Conference, Denver, 2010,
Romeira, B., Slight, T.J., Kelly, A.E. , Ironside, C.N. and Figueiredo, J.M.L. (2010) Microwave Photonic Oscillators for Femtocellular Access Networks. In: 15th Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, Faro, Portugal, June 2010,
Romeira, B., Figueiredo, J.M.L., Slight, T.J., Wang, L.Q., Wasige, E. , Ironside, C.N., Kelly, A.E. and Green, R. (2009) Nonlinear dynamics of resonant tunneling optoelectronic circuits for wireless/optical interfaces. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 45(11), pp. 1436-1445. (doi:10.1109/JQE.2009.2028084)
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Romeira, B., Figueiredo, J.M.L., Slight, T.J., Wang, L., Wasige, E. and Ironside, C.N. (2009) Wireless Injection Locking and Phase Noise Reduction in a Semiconductor Laser driven by a Resonant Tunnelling Diode Nonlinear Oscillator [paper CI3.1]. In: CLEO Europe, Munich, 2009, (doi:10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2009.5196240)
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