Falling in love again

(tal como foi cantado na versão inglesa de “O Anjo Azul” )


                                                       Why I appeal to men
                                                       How many times I blunder
                                                       In love and out again
                                                       They offer me devotion
                                                       I like it I confess
                                                       When I reflect emotion
                                                       There's no need to get
                                                       Falling in love again
                                                       Never wanted to
                                                       What's a gal to do
                                                       I can't help it
                                                       Love's always been my game
                                                       Play it how I may
                                                       I was made that way
                                                       I can't help it
                                                       Falling in love again
                                                       Never wanted to
                                                       What's a gal to do
                                                       I can't help it
                                                       Love's always been my game
                                                       Play it how I may
                                                       I was made that way
                                                       I can‚t help it
                                                       Men cluster to me
                                                       Like moths around a flame
                                                       And if their wings burn
                                                       I know I'm not to blame
                                                       Falling in love again
                                                       Never wanted to
                                                       What's a gal to do
                                                       I (just) can't help it


Olga Pombo opombo@fc.ul.pt