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Major Research Lines
(in the last 15 years)
Ore-forming systems |
Central-Iberian Zone (Iberian Variscides)
Au(-Ag-As) lodes
Pb-An(-Ag) lodes
Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Variscides)
Fe massive ores (mostly in the
Magnetite Belt)
Fe-Ti-V oxide ores in Layered
Gabbroic Sequences of BIC
Ni-Cu(-Co) sulphide ores in Layered Gabbroic Sequences
of BIC
Zn-Pb(-Cu-Sb-Au) ores in
metavolcanic-marble/metadolostone sequences
Sb(-Cu-Ag-Au) and Cu
quartz-carbonate lodes
South Portuguese Zone (Iberian
Massive sulphide deposits and other
mineralization types in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Complexes of Angola
systems in Neoproterozoic belts of Angola
Au-ore systems in Quadrilatero Ferrifero (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Thermal regimes in lithosphere and their relation to metallogeny; case studies
and numerical modelling
Fracture Patterns |
Multi-scale structural analysis (quantitative approaches)
Numerical models of fragmentation
Late-Variscan fracture network
(re-evaluation of its geometrical and kinematical characteristics)
Mineralogical and geochemical studies applied to: |
i. Ore exploration
Geochemical anomalies; using / testing of multifractal methods
Alteration / Metasomatism indexes; development and application in different geological frameworks
ii. Environmental issues
iii. Geothermal (high enthalpy) reservoir characterization
iv. AMS
surveys; characterization of magnetic fabrics
v. MT and geoelectric surveys
vi. Hydrocarbon
reservoir characterization and evolution

Cooperation - Project Partnerships - Scientific Framework

Research Projects
Mineralizacoes Auro-argentiferas
Associadas a Falha da Vilarica no Sector de Quintela de Lampacas - QUILAM
(Programa Mobilizador em Ciencia e Tecnologia - PMCT/C/CEN/103/90), JNICT,
1991-1995. |
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs:
Development of New Mathematical Models to Improve the Confidence in Simulation
Input Data (TH/00136/89), CEE, 1989-1992. |
Multidisciplinary Studies of Au-vein
Formation: Application to the Western Part of the Hesperian Massif
(Spain-Portugal), Multiannual R&D Programme - 1990/92 - on Primary Raw
Materials and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metals (MA2M-CT90-0033), CEE,
1991-1993. |
Mineralizacoes em Metais
Preciosos na Zona de Ossa-Morena - MIZOMOR (PBICT/CTA/2112/95), JNICT,
1995-1998. |
Regimes de Deformacao e Dinamica
de Fluidos nos Terrenos Iberico e Sul Portugues - REDIBER (PBICT/CTA/2113/95),
JNICT, 1995-1998. |
Estudos de Magneto-telurica na
Falha Manteigas-Vilarica - MTVIL (PBICT/CTA/2123/95), JNICT, 1996-1999. |
Abordagem Multidisciplinar de
Processos Crustais Geradores de Recursos Minerais -
FCT, 1995-2000. |
Fluid Flow in Fractured Rocks
and its Implications for Waste Disposal Criteria -
FCT, 1999-2001. |
Thermochronology and
Tectonometamorphic Modelling of the Iberian Variscan Belt -
MODELIB (POCTI/3569/1999), FCT,
2000-2005. |
Modelling of Pollutant
Dispersion Around Waste Disposal Sites: a Mineralogical, Hydrogeological and
Chemical Study - MODELWASTE (POCTI/CTA/43390/2001), FCT,
2002-2005. |
Control Tridimensional de las
Estructuras Litosfericas del SW de la Peninsula Iberica, Comision
Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Espana), 2003-2005. |
Time evolution of mine tailings
and their environmental impact: rates and mechanisms of concentration,
liberation and migration of (low-grade) metals during weathering - METALTRAVEL
(POCTI/CTE-GEX/61700/2004), FCT, 2006-2008. |
geoelectrico de la litosfera Castellano-Extremena: Perfil magnetotelurico
(CGL2006-12259/BTE), Comision
Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Espana), 2006-2009 |
Study of the adsorption
mechanisms and kinetics in geomaterials and their structural characterization:
implications for processes of natural attenuation of heavy metal contamination and radioactive wastes confinement
- KADRWaste (PTDC/CTE-GEX/82678/2006), FCT,
2008-2010 |
Thermochronology in Tectonometamorphic and
Metallogenic Modelling (TERMOTEC), FCT/CAPES, 2009-2010 |
Age of fluid migration and fluid sources in
sedimentary basins with hydrocarbon potential; innovative application of
isotopic analysis in oil and gas exploration, CNPq, 2013-2015 |
Developing a concept for a European
minerals deposit framework (MINATURA
2020), H2020-SC5-2014-one-stage, Fev.15-Jan.18 |
Development of New models for the genesis
of Rare Metal (W, Nb, Ta, Li) Ore deposits from the European Variscan Belt
and valorization of low grade and fine grained ore and mine tailings”
(NewOreS), ERA-MIN Joint Call 2014, Fev.15-Jan.18 |

Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Industry
Rio Tinto Finance and Exploration,
Fev-Abr86 |
Partex - Companhia Portuguesa de Servicos S.A., Jan90-Jan91 |
SOGEO - Sociedade Geotermica dos
Acores S.A., Abr-Jun06, May10 |
Rio Narcea Gold Mines S.A.,
Jan05-Jan06 |
Instituto de Inovacao Tecnologica dos Acores,
Abr08-Dec08, Sep11-Jun12 |
Genius Mineira Lda (Angola), Sept08-Nov08, May09-... |
AGC Minas de Portugal Unipessoal Lda. - Lundin Mining Corporation
(Nov.-Dez.10) |
Visa Consultores (Mai-Jun.12) |
Syrah Resources (Mozambique), Set-Out.12 |
EPOS - Empresa Portuguesa de Obras
Subterraneas, Feb13-... |
Geoterceira, Jul13-Mar14 |

Short to long term major
goals of research
Improving the present knowledge of:
Ore-forming systems in general
Variscan Orogeny evolution, in
particular of its late stages and transition to the Alpine Cycle
Development of:
Multidisciplinary research approaches to address geological, geochemical, geophysical and
environmental issues
Experimental skills to better characterize mineral and rock physical and
chemical properties
Specific network (neural) inter-relationships to assess Sustainability of
raw-materials exploitation and consumption, following the Syndrome
approach and modelling
Discriminative tools based on fuzzy logic to better characterize natural
distributions of critical parameters