No campo / Yours truly, in the field.
Março/March 2006. Cañon de las
Calderas, Isla Cubagua (Venezuela).
completo / Full name:
Carlos Alberto Pires
Fernandes Marques da Silva
Nascido em
/ Born:
Lisboa (Portugal), on the 7th of October, 1961.
Línguas /
Native language: Portuguese. Other languages:
Russian, English, Spanish, French, Chinese (Mandarin - very rudimentary)
académica / Academic qualifications:
PhD Palaeontology
Lisbon University, Portugal (Science Faculty, Geology Department
- 2002).
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, USSR
(Geology Faculty, Palaeontology Department -
Situação profissional /
Professional status:
Assistant-Professor of Palaeontology. Geology
Department of the Lisbon University, since 1989.
Member of the research staff of the Geology
Research Centre of the Lisbon University, since 1988.
profissional / Professional address:
Departamento de
Geologia da Universidade de Lisboa.
Edifício C6, 4º Piso,
6.4.55. Campo Grande. 1749-016 LISBOA - PORTUGAL
Phone: ++ - 351-21
7500356. TeleFax: ++ - 351-217500064 (GeoFCUL);
++ - 351-217500119
(CeGUL). E-mail: Paleo.Carlos@fc.ul.pt
Associações profissionais e científicas / Scientific and
professional associations:
Centro de Arqueologia de Almada (since 1977; Member of
the Board of Directors
since 1990).
Sociedade Portuguesa de Malacologia (1988-1993).
> Società Italiana di Malacologia -
Italian Malacological Society (1989-1994).
> Grupo Português para o Estudo do
Quaternário (since 1989).
Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos (since 1991).
European Palaeontological Association (since 1991).
EQmal - European Quaternary Malacological Association
(since 1996).
> Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências
Naturais (since 1997; member of the Board of
Directors in 1997-2002, and
Sociedad Española de Paleontologia (since 1997).
> Instituto Português de Malacologia
(since 2001; member of the board of directors
since 2006).
Bibliographical information:
to access bibliographical information.
Other relevant data:
Collaborator of the
National Natural History Museum of the Lisbon University.
Collaborator of the Archaeological Museum of Setúbal.
Member of
the Editorial Board of the geosciences journal GAIA of the National
Natural History Museum of the Lisbon University (between 1993 and 2000).
Advisor of the archaeological journal Al-Madan, published by the
Archaeological Research Centre of Almada (Portugal).
Advisor of the archaeological heritage and museology journal Musa (Portugal).
Domínios de investigação / Research
Paleontologia, Paleozoologia - Mollusca,
Gastropoda Neogénico e "Quaternários" da região Atlanto-Mediterrânica
(Sistemática, Paleoecologia, Paleobiogeografia).
Palaeontology, Palaeozoology - Mollusca, Neogene and
Quaternary Gastropoda from the Atlanto-Mediterranean Region
(Systematics, Palaeoecology, Paleobiogeography).
Paleoicnologia - Bioerosão, estruturas bioerosivas
neogénicas e "quaternárias" asociadas a paleolitorais rochosos e
substratos biomineralizados (conchas, etc.).
Palaeoichnology - Bioerosion, Neogene and Quaternary
bioerosion structures associated with rocky (palaeo)shores and
mineralised biogenous substrates (shells, etc.).
Arqueozoologia, Arqueomalacologia - Mollusca (gastropoda e
Bivalvia) associados a contextos arqueológicos (Sistemática, tafonomia,
paleoecologia, Paleobiogeografia).
Archaeozoology - Mollusca (Gastropoda and
Bivalvia) in archaeological sites (Systematics, Taphonomy,
Paleobiogeography, Palaeoecology, etc.).
Carlos Marques da Silva - Lisboa, 10 de Junho de 2006