To view the panoramas, click any of the thumbnails below, then use the arrows above the panoramas to see the next or previous panoramas.
Some are 360 degree panoramic images, you can identify those by the title box above the image, others are just plain jpeg images.
To view these 360 panoramas you need a flash player. Chances are, it's already installed on your computer, otherwise
you can obtain it (free, for Windows, Macs and Linux) from
Since these pages use flash, you will probably need to allow this content a couple of times. Go ahead, the pages are absolutely harmless.
To fully enjoy the show, you should click and drag the panoramas to your heart's content -- don't forget to look up and down too!
To zoom in, click shift, to zoom out click control (ctrl).
I hope you like these panoramas. Most important, remember there's nothing like seeing the real thing, so do visit the museum at your first opportunity.
Last but not least, it is a pleasure to gratefully acknowledge the collaboration of the Rector of the University, Professor Doutor António Sampaio da Nóvoa, for permission to photograph the museum, and the museum staff, in particular Dra. Mafalda Madureira, for their efficiency and sympathy before and during the actual shooting.