Panoramas - Gardens - A World Wide Panorama June 20-25, 2006

All photos Copyright , 2006


The World Wide Panorama began in March, 2004, and has now become a quarterly series of events. Photographers all over the world are welcome to participate. The rules are simple: photography must be done during a specified time, follow the given theme, and the final VR panorama must be in QuickTime VR format. The events are scheduled on the solstices and equinoxes. There are no loosers (all are winners), or prizes.
For the midsummer of 2006 the theme was Gardens.
Of the panos below, the first is my contribution, the others were also done the same day. All are from the gardens of the headquarters of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, in Lisboa.
To view these panoramas you need QuickTime. If it is not already installed on your computer, you can obtain it (free, for both Windows and Macs) from Apple.
To fully enjoy the show, you should click and drag to your heart's content. Don't forget to go up and down too!


Praça de Cascais 1
Gulbenkian1 Gulbenkian2
Gulbenkian4 Gulbenkian5
Gulbenkian6 Gulbenkian7