S2 HWpower


S2 HWpower by SilvaSquare is a program to help study the power of χ2 tests of the Hardy-Weinberg hypothesis for an autosomal gene with two alleles. It requires M$Windows (95+) or a good emulator. It is meant to be used in teaching, and is very simple to use.

It allows the evaluation of two simple, standard χ2 tests, namely Pearson's X2 and G (log-likelihood ratio, aka G2) at two common significance levels (5% and 1%). Although other tests exist, that are more appropriate for small sample sizes, these two should suffice for the purpose.

The following alternatives to the Hardy-Weinberg model can be simulated:
  1. a divided population with heterogeneous demes (Wahlund model)
  2. an inbred population
  3. natural selection

The tests can also be performed when the Hardy-Weinberg hypothesis is true, both for educational purposes (to reinforce the meaning of the significance level) and as a control.

It includes a simple help file and some suggested projects for students.

Comments (pan or praise) are welcome!

It is postcardware (meaning, if you like it, you should send me a nice postcard from your home town, but you should never have to pay for it, or ask anyone to pay you for it), and normally resides in http://webpages.fc.ul.pt/~pjns/Soft/HWpower/.

It does not require setup, makes no changes to the windows registry, is really simple to install (just unzip the files into a directory of your choice).

If you use the program more than a couple times, please consider Should you use it in work leading to a publication, please cite the program and the above web site.

S2 HWpower is Copyright Pedro J.N. Silva, 2002. SilvaSquare is a trademark of Pedro J.N. Silva.

download S2 HWpower now (zipped)

Have much fun!

Pedro J.N. Silva
Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa
Campo Grande, C2, 4o. piso