Marine Ecology and Climate ChAnge Group |
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Books Rosa, R. Pierce, G., O´Dor, R. (2013) Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Part I, Myopsid squids. New York: Nova Publishers. 331 p. Rosa, R. Pierce, G., O´Dor, R. (2013) Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Part II, Oegopsid squids. New York: Nova Publishers. 281 p. Rosa, R., Nunes, M.L. (2008). Crustaceans: Exploitation, Bio-ecology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Publicações Avulsas do Instituto de Investigação das Pe scas e do Mar, IPIMAR, Lisboa. 152 p. [in Portuguese] Rosa, R., Sousa Reis, C. (2005). Octopuses, squids and cuttlefishes. Sociedade de Ciências Naturais. Assírio e Alvim, Lisboa. 124 p. [in Portuguese] Rosa, R., Sousa Reis, C. (2004). Cephalopods of the Portuguese Coast. Prémio do Mar D. Carlos, Câmara Municipal de Cascais. 189 p. [in Portuguese]
Book chapters Dionísio G., Rosa R. (in prep). Snails, slugs and cephalopods. In: Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture (R. Calado, I. Olivotto, M. Planas, Holt, G., Eds.). Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. Rosa, R., Yamashiro, C., Markaida, U., Rodhouse, P., Waluda, C.M., Salinas, C.A., Keyl, F., O´Dor, R., Stewart, J.S., Gilly, W.F. (2013) Dosidicus gigas , Humboldt squid. In: Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Part II, Oegopsid squids (R. Rosa, G. Pierce, R. O´Dor, Eds.) New York: Nova Publishers, pp. 169-206. Moreno, A., Boavida-Portugal, J., Pimentel, M, Pereira, J., Rosa, R. (2013) Loligo vulgaris , European squid. In: Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Part I, Myopsid squids (R. Rosa, G. Pierce, R. O´Dor, Eds.) New York: Nova Publishers, pp. 1-30. Rosa, R., Marques, A., Nunes, M.L. (2013) Mediterranean aquaculture in a changing climate. In: The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges (S. Goffredo, H. Baader, Z. Dubinsky, Eds). Berlin, Springer-Verlag. Marques, A., Rosa, R., Nunes, M.L., 2013. Seafood safety and human health implications . In: The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges (S. Goffredo, H. Baader, Z. Dubinsky, Eds). Berlin, Springer-Verlag. In press. Rosa, R. (2010). Connecting biogeographic patterns with energy and resource availability in marine systems. In: Biogeography (M. Gailis, S. Kalnins, Eds.) , New York: Nova Publishers. pp. 63-104.
International peer-reviewed journals 123. Boavida-Portugal, J., Guilhaumon, F., Rosa, R. & Araújo, M.B. (submitted) Cephalopods like it hot: climate change impacts on coastal cephalopod diversity. Global Change Biology. 122. Rosa, R., Barreiros, J.P., Lopes, V.M., Paula, J.R., Kelly, J.T., Gonçalves, J. & Hanlon, R. (submitted) Hijacking, hitchhiking and burglary behaviors of pelagic octopuses. Biology Letters. 121. Figueiredo, C., Baptista, M., Lopes, A.R., Dionisio, G., Rosa, I., Paula, J.R., Repolho, T., Cabecinhas, A., Rocha, R.J.M., Cruz, I.G.C., Kikuchi, R.K.P., Simões, N., Leal, M.C., Tojeira, I., Bandarra, N., Calado, R. & Rosa, R. (submitted) World-wide 3D chemoecology and chemotaxonomy of hexa- and octocorals. The Science of Nature. 120. Lopes, A.R., Baptista, M. Dionísio, G., Rosa, I., Paula, J.R., Gomes-Pereira, J., Figueiredo, C., Bandarra, N., Calado, R. & Rosa, R. (submitted) Gone with the wind: fatty acid biomarkers and chemotaxonomy of stranded free-floating hydrozoans (Velella velella and Physalia physalis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B. 119. Pires, V.L., Pimentel, M.S., Baptista, M., Faleiro, F., Dionísio, G., Paula, J.R., Repolho, T. & Rosa, R. (submitted). Impact of global warming on the spawning success and embryogenesis of a specialized soft coral-feeding nudibranch, Armina maculata. Marine Biology. 118. Maulvault, A.L., Anacleto, P., Chaguri, M., Rosa, R., Carvalho, M.L., Nunes, M.L., Marques, A. (submitted) Assessing the quality of farmed rope grown blue mussels (M. edulis) from different farming areas, and the risk and benefits of their consumption as human food. British Food Journal. 117. Maulvault, A.L., Custódio, A., Anacleto, P., Repolho, T., Pousão, P., Nunes, M.L., Diniz, M., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (submitted) Bioaccumulation and elimination of mercury in juvenile seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) under ocean warming. Environmental Research. 116. Rey, F.E., Moreira, A.S.P., Ricardo, F., Coimbra, M.A., Domingues, R.M., Domingues, P., Rosa, R., Queiroga, H. & Calado, R. (submitted) Fatty acids of highly-packed embryos of Carcinus maenas reveal homogenous maternal provisioning and no within-brood variation at hatching. Marine Biology. 115. Leal, M.C., Cruz, I.S., Mendes, C.R.B., Calado, R., Kikuchi, R.K., Rosa, R., Soares, A.M.V.M., Serôdio, J., Rocha, R.J. (accepted pending minor revisions) Photobiology of the zoanthid Zoanthus sociatus in differently exposed intertidal habitats. Marine and Freshwater Research. 114. Rosa, R., Pimentel, M., Galan, J.G., Baptista, M., Lopes, V.M., Santos, C., Calado, R. & Repolho, T. (accepted pending revisions) Deficit in digestive capabilities of shark early stages under climate change. Marine Biology. 113. Rosa, R., Pimentel, M., Lopes, A.R., Baptista, M., Lopes, V.M., Paula, J.R., Campos, D., Almeida-Val, V.M.F., Calado, R. & Repolho, T. (submitted) Neuro-oxidative damage and aerobic potential loss of sharks under climate change. Scientific Reports. 112. Trübenbach, K., Repolho, T., Baptista, M., Pegado, M.R., Fiedler, B., Körtzinger, A. & Rosa, R. (accepted pending revisions) Acid-base regulation during long-term environmental hypercapnia and warming in a deep-sea spiny lobster (Palinurus mauritanicus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 111. Pimentel, M.S., Faleiro, F., Dionísio, G., Faria, A.M., Machado, J., Paula, J.R., Peck, M.A., Pörtner, H., Gonçalves, E.J. & Rosa, R. (accepted pending revision) Foraging behaviour, swimming performance and malformations of commercially important fish larvae under ocean acidification and warming. Climate Research. 110. Lopes, V.M., Faleiro, F., Baptista, M., Pimentel, M.S., Paula, J.R., Bandarra, N., Anacleto, P., Marques, A. & Rosa, R. (accepted pending revisions) Impact of ocean warming on the amino and fatty acid dynamics of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) early life stages. Journal of Thermal Biology. 109. Lopes, A.F., Munday, P.L., Pimentel, M., Rosa, R., Gonçalves, E.J., Faria, A.M. (accepted pending revisions) Disruption of behavioural lateralization and shoaling cohesion of fish larvae under ocean acidification. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 108. Rey, F., Alves, E., Melo, T., Domingues, P., Queiroga, H., Rosa, R., Domingues, M.R.M. & Calado, R. (2015) Unravelling polar lipids dynamics during embryonic development of two sympatric brachyuran crabs (Carcinus maenas and Necora puber) using lipidomics. Scientific Reports. In Press. 107. Pimentel, T., Rocha, R.J.M., Rosa, R., Soares, A.M.V.M., Gomes, N.C.M., Leal, M.C., & Calado, R. (2015). Bacterial communities from corals cultured ex situ remain stable under different light regimes - relevance for in toto aquaculture. Aquaculture 450: 258–261. 106. Pimentel, M.S., Faleiro, F., Diniz, M., Machado, J., Pousão-Ferreira, P., Peck, M.A., Pörtner, H.-O. & Rosa, R. (2015). Oxidative stress and digestive enzymatic activity of flatfish larvae in a changing ocean. PLoS One 10(7): e0134082. 105. Leal, M.C., Vaz, M.C.M., Puga, J., Rocha, R.J.M., Brown, C., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2015) Marine ornamental fish imports in the European Union: an economic perspective. Fish and Fisheries. In press. 104. Rocha, R.J.M., Serôdio, J., Bontas, B., Cartaxana, P., Leal, M.C., Ferreira, J.M., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2015). Development and validation of a standardized modular system for experimental coral culture. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 46: 235-251. 103. Leal, M.C., Pimentel T., Ricardo, F., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2015) Seafood traceability: current needs, available tools and biotechnological challenges for origin certification. Trends in Biotechnology. In press. 102. Ricardo, F., Génio, L., Leal, M.C., Albuquerque, R., Queiroga, H., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2015) Trace element fingerprinting of cockle shells (Cerastoderma edule) can be used to reveal their fishing location. Scientific Reports 5: 11932. DOI: 10.1038/srep11932 101. Lourenço, S., Moreno, A., Narciso, L., Pereira, J., Rosa, R. & González, A. (2015) Vestigial shell of Octopus vulgaris hatchlings as potential tool to age octopods. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. In press. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315415000478 100. Xavier, J.C., Allcock, L., Cherel, Y., Hoving, H.-J., Lipinski, M., Gomes-Pereira, J.N., Piatkowski, U., Pierce, G., Rodhouse, P.G., Rosa, R., Liz Shea, L., Strugnell, J., Vidal, E., Villanueva, R. & Ziegler, A. (2015) The future challenges in cephalopod research for the next decade. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 95(5): 999-1015. 99. Rosa. I.C., Raimundo, J., Lopes, V.M., Brandão, C., Couto, A., Santos, C., Cabecinhas, A.S., Cereja, R., Calado, R., Caetano, M. & Rosa, R. (2015) Cuttlefish capsule: an effective shield against contaminants in the wild. Chemosphere 135: 7-13. 98. Guerreiro, M., Rosa, R., Cherel, Y., Phillips, R.A., Ceia, F.R., Alvito, P. & Xavier, J. (2015) Distribution and trophic ecology of Southern Ocean cephalopods using the diet of the wandering albatross: a stable isotopes approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series 530:119-134. 97. Cruz, I.S., Leal, M.C., Mendes, C.R.B., Kikuchi, R.K., Rosa, R., Soares, A.M.V.M., Serôdio, J., Calado, R., Rocha, R.J. (2015) White but not bleached: photophysiological evidence from white Montastrea cavernosa reveal potential overestimation of coral bleaching. Marine Biology. In Press. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-015-2633-9 96. Faleiro, F., Santos, C., Aurélio, M.L., Baptista, M., Pimentel, M., Calado, R., Repolho, T. & Rosa, R. (2015). Seahorses under a changing ocean: the impact of ocean warming and acidification on a poor swimmer bony-armoured fish. Conservation Physiology 3: 1-7. 95. Alvito, P., Rosa, R., Phillips, R.A., Cherel, Y., Ceia, F.R., Guerreiro, M., Seco, J., Baeta, A., Vieira, R.P., Fox, D., & Xavier, J.C. (2015) Cephalopods in the diet of nonbreeding black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses from South Georgia. Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-014-1626-3 94. Marko, P.B., Carrington, E., Rosa, R., Giomi, F., Troschinski, S., Melzner, F & Seibel, B.A. (2015) Symposium on “Climate Change and Molluscan Ecophysiology” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Malacological Society. American Malacological Bulletin 33(1):1-6. DOI: 10.4003/006.033.0114 93. Rey, F., Neto, G.M.S., Rosa, R., Queiroga, H. & Calado, R. (2015) Laboratory trials reveal that exposure to extreme raining events prior to metamorphosis affect the post-settlement performance of an estuarine crab. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 154: 179-183. 92. Anacleto, P., Maulvault, A.L., Nunes, M.L., Carvalho, M.L., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (2015) Effects of depuration on metal levels and health status of bivalve molluscs. Food Control 47: 493-501. 91. Baptista, M., Repolho, T., Maulvault, A.L., Lopes, V.M., Narciso, L., Marques, A., Bandarra, N. & Rosa, R. (2014) Temporal dynamics of amino and fatty acid composition in the razor clam Ensis siliqua. Helgoland Marine Research 68 (4): 465-482. 90. Rosa, R., Baptista, M., Lopes, V.M, Pegado, M.R., Paula, J.R., Trübenbach, K., Leal, M.C., Calado, R. & Repolho, T. (2014) Early-life exposure to climate change impairs tropical shark survival. Proceedings of Royal Society of London – B 281: 20141738. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1738 89. Rosa, R., Lopes, A., Pimentel, M.S., Faleiro, F., Baptista, M., Trübenbach, K., Narciso, L., Dionísio, G., Pegado, M.R., Repolho, T., Calado, R. & Diniz, M. (2014). Ocean’s cleaning stations under a changing climate: biological responses of tropical and temperate fish-cleaner shrimps to global warming. Global Change Biology 20: 3068-3079. 88. Rocha, R., Silva, A.M.B, Fernandes, M.F., Cruz, I.C.S., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2014) Contrasting light spectra constrain the macro and microstructures architecture of scleractinian corals. PLoS One 9(8): e105863. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105863 87. Anacleto, P., Maulvault, A.L., Bandarra, N., Repolho, T., Nunes, M.L., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (2014) Effect of warming on protein, glycogen and fatty acid content of native and invasive clams. Food Research International 64: 439-445. 86. Seibel, B. A., Häfker, N. S., Trübenbach, K., Zhang, J., Tessier, S. N., Pörtner, H.O., Rosa, R. & Storey, K. B. (2014) Metabolic suppression during protracted exposure to hypoxia in the jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, living in an oxygen minimum zone. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2555-2568. 85. Leal, M.C., Sheridan, C., Osinga, R., Dionísio, G., Rocha, R., Silva, B., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2014 ) Drug discovery from marine microorganism-invertebrate assemblages: perspectives to solve the ‘supply problem'. Marine Drugs 12: 3929-3952. 84. Pimentel, M., Faleiro, F., Dionísio, G., Repolho, T., Pousão-Ferreira, P., Machado, J. & Rosa, R. (2014) Defective skeletogenesis and oversized otoliths in fish early stages in a changing ocean. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2062-2070. 83. Anacleto, P., Maulvault, A.L., Lopes, V.M., Repolho, T., Diniz, M., Nunes, M.L., Marques, A. & Rosa, R. (2014) Ecophysiology of native and alien invasive clams under an ocean warming context. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 175: 28-37. 82. Raimundo, J., Vale, C. & Rosa, R. (2014) Trace element concentrations in the top predator jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) from the Gulf of California. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 102: 179-186. 81. Pimentel, M., Pegado, M., Repolho, T. & Rosa, R. (2014) Impact of ocean acidification in the metabolism and swimming behavior of the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) early larvae. Marine Biology 161: 725-729. 80. Calado, R., Leal, M.C., Vaz, M.C.M., Brown, C., Rosa, R., Stevenson, T.C., Cooper, C.H., Tissot, B.N., Li, Y.-W.8 9, Thornhill, D.J. (2014) Caught in the Act: how the U.S. Lacey Act can hamper the fight against cyanide fishing in tropical coral reefs. Conservation Letters. In press. 79. Rosa, R., Trübenbach, K., Pimentel, M.S., Boavida-Portugal, J., Faleiro, F., Baptista, M., Calado, R., Pörtner, H.O. & Repolho, T. (2014) Differential impacts of ocean acidification and warming on winter and summer progeny of a coastal squid (Loligo vulgaris). Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 518-525. (Featured article - Inside JEB). 78. Trübenbach, K., Costa, G., Ribeiro-Silva, C., Mesquita, R., Cordeiro, C. & Rosa, R. (2014) Hypoxia-driven selective degradation of cellular proteins in jumbo squids during diel migration to the oxygen minimum zones. Marine Biology 161: 575-584. 77. Vinagre, C., Narciso, L., Cabral, H., Costa, M. J. & Rosa, R. (2014) Thermal sensitivity of native and invasive seabreams. Marine Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12080 76. Anacleto, P., Barrento, S., Nunes, M.L., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (2014) Portuguese consumers' attitudes and perceptions of bivalve molluscs. Food Control 41: 168-177. 75. Repolho, R., Baptista, M., Pimentel, M.S., Dionísio, G., Trübenbach, K., Lopes, V.M., Lopes, A.R., Calado, R., Diniz, M. & Rosa, R. (2014) Developmental and physiological challenges of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) e arly life stages under ocean warming. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 184: 55-64. 74. Lopes, V.M, Repolho, T., Baptista, M., Rosa, R. & Costa, P.R. (2014) Uptake, transfer and elimination kinetics of paralytic shellfish toxins in common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Aquatic Toxicology 146: 205-211. 73. Trübenbach, K., Teixeira, T., Diniz, M. & Rosa, R. (2013) Hypoxia tolerance and antioxidant defense system of jumbo squids in oxygen minimum zones. Deep-Sea Research Part II 95: 209-217. 72. Leal, M.C., Munro, M.H.G., Blunt, J.W., Puga, J., Jesus, B., Calado, R., Rosa, R. & Madeira, C. (2013) Biogeography and biodiscovery hotspots of macroalgal marine natural products. Natural Product Reports 30 (11): 1380-1390. 71. Aurélio, M., Faleiro, F., Lopes, V.M., Pires, V., Lopes, A.R., Pimentel, M.S., Repolho, T., Baptista, M., Narciso, L. & Rosa, R. (2013) Physiological and behavioral responses of temperate sea horses (Hippocampus guttulatus) to environmental warming. Marine Biology 160 (10): 2663-2670. 70. Rocha, J.M., Pimentel, T., Serôdio, J., Rosa, R. , Calado, R. (2013) Comparative performance of light emitting plasma (LEP) and light emitting diode (LED) in ex situ aquaculture of scleractinian corals. Aquaculture 402-403: 38-45. 69. Cruz, J., Garrido, S., Pimentel, M.S., Rosa, R., Santos A.M.P. & Ré, P. (2013) Reproduction and respiration of a climate change indicator species: effect of temperature and variable food supply in the copepod Centropages chierchiae . Journal of Plankton Research 35 (5): 1046-1058. 68. Anacleto, P., Pedro, S., Nunes, M.L., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (2013) Microbiological composition of native and exotic clams from Tagus estuary: effect of season and environmental parameters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74: 116-124. 67. Lopes, V.M., Lopes, A.R., Costa, P.R. & Rosa, R. (2013) Cephalopods as vectors of Harmful Algal Bloom toxins in marine food webs. Marine Drugs 11: 3381-3409. 66. Lopes, A.R., Trübenbach, K., Teixeira, T., Lopes, V.M., Pires, P., Baptista, M., Repolho, T., Calado, R., Diniz, M. & Rosa, R. (2013) Oxidative stress in deep scattering layers: heat shock response and antioxidant enzymes activities of myctophid fishes thriving in oxygen minimum zones. Deep-Sea Research Part I 82: 10-16. 65. Rosa, R., Trübenbach, K., Repolho, T., Pimentel, M., Faleiro, F., Boavida-Portugal, J., Baptista M., Dionísio, G., Leal, M., Calado, R. & Pörtner, H.O. (2013) Lower hypoxia thresholds of cuttlefish early life stages living in a warm acidified ocean. Proceedings of Royal Society of London - B 280: 20131695 ; doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1695 64. Anacleto, P., Maulvault A.L., Chaguri, M., Pedro, S., Nunes, M.L., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (2013) Microbiological responses to depuration and transport of native and exotic clams at optimal and stressful temperatures. Food Microbiology 36(2): 365-373. 63. Vinagre, C., Narciso, L., Pimentel, M., Cabral, H., Costa, M.J. & Rosa, R. (2013) Contrasting impacts of climate change across seasons: effects on flatfish cohorts. Regional Environmental Change 13(4): 853-859. 62. Madeira, D., Vinagre, C., Rosa, R., Costa, P.M., Costa, M.H., Caeiro, S., Galésio, M., Santos, H.M., Nuñez, C., Oliveira, E., Castro, L., Peres, I., Lodeiro, C., Capelo, J.L., Diniz, M.S. (2013) Sea warming affects bream (Sparus aurata) tissues and stress proteins (HSP70). Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (Suppl 4): 83-84. 61. Rosa, R., Dionísio, G., Bensimon-Brito A., Pimentel, M.S., Trübenbach K., Moreno, A., Barquinha, P., Diniz, M. (2013) Are squid statoliths hollow during embryogenesis? Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 (Suppl 4): 89-90. 60. Anacleto, P., Maulvault , A.L., Barrento, S., Mendes, R., Nunes, M.L., Rosa, R. & Marques, A. (2013) Physiological responses to depuration and transport of native and exotic clams at different temperatures. Aquaculture 408-409: 136-146. 59. Dionísio, G., Rosa, R., Leal, M.C., Cruz, S., Brandão, C., Calado G., Serôdio J., & Calado, R. (2013) Beauties and beasts: a portrait of sea slugs aquaculture. Aquaculture 408-409: 1-14. 58. Czudaj, S., Pereira, J., Moreno, A., Saint-Paul, U. & Rosa, R. (2013) Distribution and reproductive biology of Rondeletiola minor (Sepiolidae, Cephalopoda) from the Portuguese Coast. Marine Biology Research 9(8): 802-808. 57. Baptista, M., Maulvault, A.L., Trübenbach, K., Narciso, L., Marques, A. & Rosa, R. (2013) Amino acids in the octocoral Veretillum cynomorium: the effect of seasonality and differences from scleractinian hexacorals. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93: 913-918. 56. Leal, M.C., Pochelon , P.N., da Silva, T.L., Reis, A., Rosa, R. & Calado, R. (2013) Variable within-brood maternal provisioning in newly extruded embryos of Homarus gammarus. Marine Biology 160: 763-772. 55. Rosa, R., Pimentel, M.S., Baptista, M., Trü benbach, K., Calado, R., Nunes, M.L., Moreno, A. & Pereira, J. (2013) Trophic and reproductive biochemistry of a deep-sea gelatinous octopus, Opisthoteuthis calypso. Marine Biology 160: 263-275. 54. Trübenbach, K., Pegado, M.R., Seibel, B.A. & Rosa R. (2013) Ventilation rates and activity levels of jumbo squids under metabolic suppression in the oxygen minimum zones. Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (3): 359-368. 53. Teixeira, T., Diniz, M., Calado, R. & Rosa, R. (2013) Coral physiological adaptations to air exposure: heat shock and oxidative stress responses in Veretillum cynomorium. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 439: 35-41. 52. Cruz, S., Dionisio, G., Rosa, R., Calado, R. & Serôdio, J. (2012) Anesthetizing solar-powered sea slugs for photobiological studies. Biological Bulletin 223 (3):328-336. 51. Rosa, R., Gonzalez, L., Dierssen, H.M. & Seibel B.A. (2012) Environmental determinants of latitudinal-size trends in cephalopod mollusks. Marine Ecology Progress Series 464: 153-165. 50. Rosa, R., Marques, M. & Nunes, M.L. (2012) Impact of climate change in Mediterranean aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture 4 (3): 163-177. 49. Rosa, R., Pimentel, M.S., Boavida-Portugal, J., Teixeira, T., Trübenbach, K. & Diniz, M.S. (2012) Ocean warming enhances malformations, premature hatching, metabolic suppression and oxidative stress in the early life stages of a keystone invertebrate. PLOS One 7(6): e38282. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038282. 48. Pimentel, M.S., Trübenbach, K., Faleiro, F., Boavida-Portugal, J., Repolho, T. & Rosa, R. (2012) Impact of ocean warming on the early ontogeny of cephalopods: a metabolic approach. Marine Biology 159: 2051-2059. 47. Rosa, R., Boavida-Portugal, J., Trübenbach, K., Baptista, M., Araújo, R. & Calado, R. (2012) Descending into the abyss: bathymetric patterns of diversity in decapod crustaceans shift with taxonomic level and life strategies. Deep-Sea Research Part I 64: 9-21. 46. Lopes, V.M., Baptista, M., Pimentel, M.S., Narciso, L. & Rosa, R. (2012) Reproduction in Octocorallia: spawning and asynchronous oogenesis in pennatulid Veretillum cynomorium. Marine Biology Research 8: 893-900. 45. Baptista, M., Lopes, V.M., Pimentel, M.S., Bandarra, N., Narciso, L., Marques, A. & Rosa, R. (2012) Temporal fatty acid dynamics of the octocoral Veretillum cynomorium. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B 161: 178-187. 44. Czudaj, S., Pereira, J., Moreno, A., Costa, A.M., Saint-Paul, U. & Rosa, R. (2012) Distribution, abundance, reproduction and ageing of the common bobtail squid Sepietta oweniana (Sepiolidae, Cephalopoda) from the Portuguese Coast. Marine Biology Research 8: 74-86. 43. Vinagre, C., Narciso, L., Cabral, H., Costa, M. J. & Rosa, R. (2012) Coastal versus estuarine nursery grounds: effect of differential temperature and heat waves on juvenile seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 109: 133-137. 42. Rosa, R., Gonzalez, L., Broitman, B., Garrido, S., Santos, A.M.P. & Nunes, M.L. (2010) Bioenergetics of small pelagics in upwelling systems: relationship between fish condition, coastal ecosystem dynamics and fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series 410: 205-218. 41. Rosa, R. & Seibel, B.A. (2010) Metabolic physiology of the Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas: implications for vertical migration in a pronounced oxygen minimum zone. Progress in Oceanography 86: 72-80. 40. Rosa, R. & Seibel B.A. (2010) Slow pace of life of Antarctic colossal squid. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90, 1375-1378. 39. Rosa, R. & Seibel B.A. (2010) Voyage of the Argonauts in the pelagic realm: physiological and behavioral ecology of the rare paper nautilus, Argonauta nouryi . ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 (7): 1494-1500 . 38. Rosa, R., Andrade, A.M., Bandarra, N.M. & Nunes, M.L. (2010) Physiological and biochemical effects of conjugated linoleic acid and its use in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture 2: 59-72. 37. 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