(02 January 2024)
Version notes:
- Function to compute maximum and minimum values.
- “Smooth” algorithm improved.
- Interface improvements.
- Bug fixes.
(20 August 2022)
Version notes:
- Visual aids improved.
- A new and more user-friendly integral calculation window.
- New plot options.
- Option to open recent files.
- The operations menu now includes 1st derivative calculation and integrated mathematical area.
- The tools menu now includes: (i) Plot smoothing; (ii) Polynomial fitting; (iii) Baseline correction; (iv) Onset calculations.
- Bug fixes include, improved files drag & drop, system updates, opening files by double click on a file, and improved "open file" reliability.
(10 July 2020)
Version notes:
- Stability improvements.
- Visual aids improved.
- New window for chart labels is now available by double click on the axis values.
- New option in the context MENU --> "CUT All SERIES".
- Fixed problem related to updates.
(28 October 2019)
Version notes:
Stability improvements.
Undo/Redo option.
A new window displaying release notes.
Solved 'Split' option error, when multiple series are open.
Corrected problems while Saving/Loading *egf files.
Corrected problem while opening multiple series from a single file.
Corrected problem found when changing series names in the Legend.
- Corrected inconsistencies found during application of operations to a series.
(18 July 2019)
Version notes:
Select and Open several files (with the same format) at the same time.
Drag and Drop files over the App. to add a new series to the chart, or to create a new chart.
Change series color by mouse right click over the data.
Stability improvements and bug corrections.