Filipe M. Ros (scroll down)

Geologist, Associate Professor with Habilitation @ Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon.

Myself (bending the knee at the center) in Almograve beach (SW Portuguese coast) with geology undergrad students during the BSc Geology Field Camp week (Geology Department, University of Lisbon)

Director of IDL-LA (Earthsystems Research Center)

Click in the video above to get a general glimpse on IDL research activities…

I am presently coordinating the IDL-LA Earthsystems research institute. Click on the logo for all detail information about the institute, its history and present research activity.

I am also the responsible for the Analogue Modelling Lab @ FCUL, IDL, UL

Above: final experimental stages of analogue modelling experiments of inequidimentional rigid bodies embedded within a viscous (silicone putty) matrix, rotated under bulk simple shear deformation (left), or under bulk pure shear (homogeneous flattening).

What about visiting Lisbon next September?

We are organising the next GeoMOD meeting in Lisbon next September. Please click in the image above to check all updated info.

This is me (above) with Field Geology students from UL, during the Geology Field Camp Week in Almograve Beach, SW Portugal in the spring of 2023. Students call this fold the MacDonalds fold! 

Above: Geology students at work in Almograve Beach – SW Portuguese coast


Above: Aerial view of Ciências – Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon, Faculty of Science, Geology Department, IDL

    1. My Geology Department website 
    2. My IDL website

Example of my presently ongoing research:

Above: This is a movie zoomed on a continental margin that is about to be subducted. Several markers (coloured little dots) are set in the margin at different locations and (on the right) you can see their PTt-path evolution on a typical diagram displaying the different metamorphic facies domains. Before anything happens, however, you must wait until all of the oceanic plate that is attached to the continental margin is subducted, eventually dragging downwards the adjacent continental segment. 

Dynamically self consistent numerical modelling (using Underworld) of continental subduction beneath oceanic lithosphere, i.e., upon the arrival of continental lithosphere to an intra-oceanic subduction zone. The system is exclusively driven by the force balance between the negative buoyancy of the initial oceanic subducting slab and the viscous resistance in the mantle (no externally forced velocity BC were prescribed).


Habilitation (Geology) – University of Lisbon, March 2018 

  • Arguers: Jacques Malavieille and Jesus Galindo-Zaldivar 
  • Classification: Maximum classification of “aprovado” attributed unanimously 

PhD in Geology (Internal Geodynamics) – University of Lisbon, July 2003 

  • Thesis: “Tectonic study of the Viana do Alentejo-Alvito sector: Geodynamic evolution and analogue modelling of key structures in selected outcrops (SW Iberian Variscan Fold Belt) / “Estudo Tectónico Do Sector De Viana Do Alentejo-Alvito: Evolução Geodinâmica e Modelação Analógica de Estruturas em Afloramentos Chave (Ramo Sul da Cadeia Varisca Ibérica – SW da Zona de Ossa Morena)”. Ph.D.Thesis, Fac. Ciênc. Univ. Lisboa, p.364. 
  • Supervisors: António Ribeiro e José Brandão Silva. 
  • Classification: Maximum classification of “Distinção e Louvor” attributed unanimously 

MSc in Geology (Internal Dynamic Geology) – University of Lisbon, July 1996 

  • Thesis: “Tectonic study and detailed geological mapping of the Alvito-Água de Peixe sector (Ossa Morena Zone, SW Iberian Variscan Fold Belt)” / Estudo tectónico e cartografia geológica de pormenor do sector chave de Alvito-Água de Peixe (Zona de Ossa Morena). M.Sc Thesis, Fac. Ciênc. Univ. Lisboa, p.147.
  • Supervisors: António Ribeiro e Paulo Fonseca. 
  • Classification: Maximum classification of “Muito Bom” attributed unanimously 

BSc (4 years “Licenciatura”) in Geology (scientific branch) – University of Lisbon, October 1993 

Professional career 

Associate Professor (“Professor Associado”) Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, since May 2023

Assistant Professor (“Professor Auxiliar”) Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, from July 2003 to May 2023

Tutor (off-campus) of Heriot-Watt University (Edinburg, Scotland), from Abril 2014 to February 2020  

Lecturer of the Petroleum Geoscience course of the Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering offered by the Heriot-Watt University and ISPG/GALP consortium (“Instituto do Petróleo e Gás, Galp Energia”). 

Trainee Assistant (“Assistente”) – Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, from January 2000 to July 2003 

Trainee Assistant of the Geodynamics section (Geology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon) 

PhD Scholarship holder – from February 1997 to December 1999 

PhD scholarship granted by the national science foundation – FCT (“Fundação Para a Ciência e Tecnologia”). 

Trainee Scholarship holder – from September 1996 to January 1997 

Trainee scholarship granted by the national geological survey (IGM – “Instituto Geológico Mineiro”) 

MSc Scholarship holder – from April 1994 to July 1996 

MSc scholarship granted by the national science foundation (JNICT – “Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica”). 

Professional Memberships and Affiliations 

  • APG – Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos 
  • AGU – American Geophysical Union
  • EGU – European Geosciences Union