Main research interests

My main fields of expertise are Structural Geology and Tectonics.

During my PhD…

I’ve studied the Variscan orogen in SW Iberia, specifically the late Palaeozoic tectonic inversion of the Rheic (passive) continental margin, which is thought to have implied subduction and obduction along the so-called Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) meridional domains (presently outcropping in SW Portugal), eventually leading to continental collision (SW Iberian Variscan orogen). My work involved mapping of high grade gneiss terranes, and the study of HP exhumed rocks, coupled with analogue modelling of sheath folds. Here are the links for my thesis (in Portuguese) and to the 3 papers related to my PhD:

Sheet folds
Eye and mushroom sheath fold patterns obtained from orthogonal cross sections of analogue models of sheath folds, formed from non-cylindrical geometrical anisotropies under non-coaxial shear deformation (pink and transparent PDMS silicone). Details here:
Syn shear rotated rigid inclusions and quarter structures sheath folds
Quarter structures sheath folds formed due to the syn-shear, top to the left, rotation of an inequidimensional rigid body (black). Rigid body rotation perturbs the flow around it, creating a monoclinic pattern (symmetry) of sheath fold distribution around opposite quarters, which can be used to determine the prevailing bulk shear sense. Details here:

More recently I have also worked on…

Gulf of Cadiz thrust-wrench tectonic interference
Map of the corner zone thrust-wrench tectonic interference between major active tectonic structures in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, Gulf of Cadiz, region. Details here:

The (neo)tectonics of the offshore SW Iberia, along the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary (NE Atlantic), more specifically, on trying to unravel the seismogenic and tsunamigenic sources (i.e., main active tectonic structures) responsible for the important historical and instrumental seismicity in this area, in which the 1755 great Lisbon Earthquake occurred. Within this research line I’ve pursued the following main approaches:

  • Geodynamic modelling of active transcurrent (strike-slip) fault systems:

Analogue modelling and tectonic interpretation of 200km long bathymetric lineaments in the Gulf of Cadiz sea floor as major active strike-slip faults (the so called SWIM faults) – Marine Geology paper.

  • Geodynamic modelling of thrust-wrench fault interference:

a) Coupled analogue and numerical modelling of the active fault interference between major active strike-slip faults and thrusts in the Gulf of Cadiz – Tectonophysics paper.

b) Analogue modelling of general (different angle) interference between active thrust and strike-slip faultsJournal of Structural Geology paper.

c) Seismogenic potential of active fault interference in the Gulf of Cadiz (offshore SW Iberia, NE Atlantic) for the generation of high and very high magnitude earthquakes in the region, including the 1755 Great Lisbon Earthquake.  – Book chapter, AGU, Geophysical Monograph Series, Plate boundaries and natural hazards.

  • Subduction initiation along the Wester Iberian Margin (WIM)

Is a new subduction zone being formed along the WIM, transforming the Atlantic passive margin into an active one? Is this being induced by the previous, waning(?), Gibraltar subduction zone in the Gulf of Cadiz? Work led by former PhD student J. Duarte. – Geology paper.

My present research…

is mainly focused on using analogue and numerical geodynamic modelling to understand the dynamics of different tectonic/geodynamic problems at different scales, such as:

  • Subduction initiation:

1. Polarity-reversal subduction initiation (2D)

A buoyant oceanic plateau atop the original subducting plate arrives to the subduction trench, obstructing it (resisting subduction), and triggering a new subduction zone in the opposite direction (opposite polarity). Note that the model is NOT forced externally by any imposed velocity BC, but rather is driven, exclusively, by the force equilibrium between the negative buoyancy of the subducting slab and the viscous resisting forces in the mantle. This work was led by former PhD student Jaime AlmeidaEPSL paper.

Polarity reversal subduction initiation
2D polarity-reversal subduction initiation: the original left-dipping subduction comes to an alt due to the obstruction of the subduction trench by a buoyant plateau, and a new right dipping subduction is initiated.

2. Polarity-reversal subduction initiation (3D)

The video above (be patient in takes a few seconds to start) shows polarity reversal subduction initiation occurring, also in a dynamic self consistent model (i.e., in the absence of any external forcing), but now at 3D. Note that the contribution of the negative buoyancy of the slab in the 3rd dimension is now taken into account, as well as the feed-back effect of the flow in the mantle. This work was led by former PhD student Jaime Almeida –  Commun Earth Environ paper.

3D numerical model of polarity reversal subduction initiation
Polarity reversal subduction initiation at 3D (top free surface BC). These set of models allowed us to explore parameters in the 3rd dimension, namely the slab-pull along that direction and the influence of the width of the buoyant plateau.
  • Continental rifting:

1. Numerical modelling of crustal continental rift, to understand the influence of differently assumed crustal rheological configurations on the development of double grabens during early-rift evolution.

Investigated variables also included the existence vs. absence of crustal weak seeds (crustal weak anisotropies such as pre-existent faults or magmatic chambers), at different numbers and distances from each other. This work was led by former PhD students Magda Oliveira and Afonso GomesTectonophysics paper

Double graben formation during initial rifting (two week seeds at the base of the upper crust)
Deformation (extension) is initially nucleated atop the two seeds (double graben formation), but eventually one of the main grabbers is abandoned and strain is fully localised in only one of these structures.

2. Analogue modelling of continental crust extension, focusing on the investigation of crustal rheology on the type of fault distribution pattern (degree of fault delocalisation) affecting the brittle upper crust as a result.

a) These Analogue modelling experiments were conceived to investigate the influence of the thickness of a weak (viscous) middle crust  layer, on the resulting delocalisation fault distribution pattern along the overlying brittle layer (elastic upper crust). This work was led by former MSc student  Ruth KepplerTectonophysics paper.

  • Thrusting

Analogue modelling study of passive deformation of a weak hanging wall (allochthonous unit) while its being emplaced above a rigid footwall with different thrust ramp geometries (flat-ramp-flat vs. concave-convex geometry):

Thrust ramps
Analogue modelling of thrust systems: Passive vs. active hanging wall strain accommodation and sharp vs. smooth fault-ramp geometries

Details of this work can be found in this Journal of Structural Geology paper

  • Strike-slip faulting across morph-rheological obstacles

Analogue modelling of the tectonic interference between active strike-slip faults systems and morph-rheological barriers (obstacles):

Video depicts a top view of this interference in models striped of their cover (top) sand layer: while all strike-slip Riedel structures develop and coalesce in the sand, the black silicone body changes from circular to elliptic, with increasing eccentricity and with its shear plane rotating to the (horizontal) shear plane.

Analogue modelling of the interference between an active strike-slip system (dextral) and a viscous cross cutting obstacle (black silicone body). Orthogonal cut obtained from the model final stage.

Work led by former MSc student Afonso Gomessee JSG paper for details.

Current Ph.D students:

– Afonso Gomes. “Geodynamic Modelling of Obduction: a new contribution towards a fully buoyancy-driven plate tectonics theory”. Co-supervised with Nicolas Riel (Bergen University, Norway) and J.C. Duarte (University of Lisbon). Started in September 2019.

Nuno Rodrigues. “3D numerical geodynamic modelling of continental collision” Co-supervised with Nicolas Riel (Bergen University, Norway) and Jaime Almeida (IDL, UBI). Started in September 2023.

Former Ph.D students:

– Jaime Almeida.“Geodynamic modelling of subduction zones: Subduction zone initiation by polarity reversal and main dynamic controls on the stability of single-sided subduction”. Co-supervised by N. Riel (Univ. JGU, Mainz, Germany), started in March 2017, ended in February 2022.

– João Daniel Casal Duarte. “Tectonics of the Gulf of Cadiz: the role of the Gibraltar arc in the reactivation of the SW Iberia margin”. University of Lisbon. Co-supervised by P. Terrinha (IPMA). Started in 2008, ended in 2012.

Current MSc students:

David Castro. “Numerical modelling of structural patterns resulting from one progressive non-coaxial deformation phase or from multiple deformation phase superposition (Perais key outcrops, meridional Central Iberian Zone)”. Started in 2023. Co-supervised by Ícaro Silva (IDL, DG-FCUL) and Jaime Almeida (IDL, UBI).

Inês Silva. “Progressive non-coaxial deformation vs. superposition of different deformation phases: detail structural mapping of a key area in Perais (Central Iberian Zone)”/”Deformação progressiva não coaxial vs. sobreposição de diferentes fases de deformação: levantamento geológico-estrutural de pormenor na área-chave de Perais (bordo meridional da ZCI”). Started in 2023. Co-supervised by Ícaro Silva (IDL-FCUL).

Former MSc students:

 – Diogo Neves. “Numerical modelling of boudinage in non-coaxial deformation regimes: implications for the interpretation of natural structures”. Started in 2022, ended in 2024 . Co-supervised by João Duarte (IDL, DG-FCUL).

– Francisco Pereira. “Numerical modelling of sheath folds under non-coaxial and coaxial deformation regimes: implications for the interpretation of natural structures as shear-sense kinematic indicators”. Started in 2022, ended in 2024. Co-supervised by João Duarte (IDL, DG-FCUL).

– Nuno Rodrigues. “Modelling of intra-oceanic rifting and implications for the Terceira Rift in the Azores”.Started in 2022, ended in 2023. Co-supervised by João Duarte (IDL, DG-FCUL).

– Francisco Bolrão. “Numerical modeling of subduction zones: thermo-mechanical stabilization as a function of overriding plate rheology and thickness”. Started in 2019, ended in 2022. Co-supervised by João Duarte (IDL, DG-FCUL).

– Afonso Gomes. “Analogue modelling of strike-slip fault propagation across crustal (interbedded) low viscosity anomalies”. Started in March 2018, ended in February 2019.

– Jaime Almeida. “Kinematic Evolution of a Transcurrent Fault Propagating Through Consecutive Volcanic Cones: a Case of Rheology and Separation” Main supervisor: Hemin Koyi (Univ. Uppsala, Sweden), co-supervised by F.M. Rosas (IDL, Univ. Lisboa, GeoFCUL). Started in 2015, ended in 2016.

– Cristiana Pereira da Cunha. “The interaction between macrofauna and mud volcanoes”. Universidade de Lisboa. Co-supervised by P. Terrinha (IPMA) and M. Cunha (Univ. Aveiro). Started in 2013, ended in 2016.

– Ruth Keppler. “Analogue modelling of continental rifts: The influence of viscous channel thickness on the development of overlying brittle deformation patterns”. Bonn University, Germany. Co-supervised by Thorsten Nagel (Univ. Bonn, Germany). Started in 2009, ended in 2011.

– Ana Rita da Graça Barbosa Branco Fernandes. “Structural control and tectonic evolution of salt diapirs in the Lusitanian Basin”/”Controlo estrutural e evolução tectónica de diápiros salíferos na Bacia Lusitânica”. University of Lisbon. Co-supervised by Pedro Terrinha (IPMA). Started in 2007, ended in 2009.

– João Daniel Casal Duarte. “Crescent shape kilometric morpho-structures in the Gulf of Cadiz seafloor “/”Morfoestruturas Quilométricas em Forma de Crescente nas Águas Profundas do Golfo de Cádis”. University of Évora. Co-supervised by Pedro Terrinha. Started in 2005, ended in 2007.

– Silvina Maria Marques Rosa Nunes Pimentel. Applications of graphic and analogue modelling to Geology Teaching, using the Arrábida Mountain Chain case-study”/”Aplicação da Modelação Analógica e Gráfica ao Ensino da Geologia, utilizando o Caso da Formação da Cadeia da Arrábida”. University of Lisbon. Co-supervised by J. C. Kullberg (Univ. Nova de Lisboa). Started in 2004, ended in 2006.