Concept Model

The model we devised, benefits from the following properties: It is based on the following main concepts:

Tasks are the building blocks of our approach. They represent mathematical challenges that students must overcome. A task is more than a simple mathematical exercise — it proposes a problem to the student, and then guides, assesses, and provides feedback, throughout the resolution process. In general, a task is a generic module, depending on parameters, which abstracts some class of problems. Basic tasks (e.g., expression manipulation, equation solving, logic reasoning) are initially created by experts.

of a given main task are the tasks the student may choose to perform during the resolution process of the main task. By default, a task has no subtasks. In this case, the student may have access to all existing tasks sharing the same Context. This gives the student a great freedom to choose the resolution path he likes. In other words, no guidance is provided by the teacher. By enumerating the subtasks of a task, the teacher narrows the set of possible resolution paths, thus helping the student. The teacher can, furthermore, define a precedence graph among subtasks, which amounts to even more guidance through the task resolution process. By combining existing subtasks, the teacher can build complex multiple step problems, which automatically benefit from their components rich feedback. The teacher may create links among the subtasks, forcing the output of one subtask to be the input of another.

define a grammar specifying the language representing the knowledge under evaluation, and a meta-language, consisting of a set of meta-functions, for teacher usage.

are functions designed to evaluate student answers, providing him/her with error explanations.

are dynamical objects, created for evaluation of student answers. Oracles are associated with Contexts, and are able to provide appropriate feedback to the student's resolution.

is the sequence of intermediate answers given by the student.

Solution Set
comprises the answer type plus a condition to be fulfilled by the answer.

is a mathematical term, input by the student, which the system verifies to be in the solution set.
