Instrumentation and Prototypes Developed at LCCID


Fully Automatic Crystallization Reactor

This apparatus (CB1) enables the determination of solid-liquid phase diagrams by automatically evaluating the solubility curves and metastable zone widths for a given solvent-solute system. Additionally, it facilitates the investigation of crystallization induction times. Further details about this apparatus can be found elsewhere.


Video Microscopy Based Crystallization Reactor

This apparatus operates similarly to the fully automatic crystallization reactor described above. However, it uses a reactor that is 50 times smaller (2 mL compared to the 100 mL of the CB1 reactor). In addition to using a turbidity sensing-based system, it allows for the capturing of live images of the investigated samples.


System For Monitorization of Metabolic Activity

This device was designed to investigate metabolic activity in biological media and has been used to study fermentation. It contains several sensors (e.g., ethanol, CO2, pH) that allow for the evaluation of metabolic activity while simultaneously determining the microbial population size.


Calorimetric Cell for Dissolution Processes

The determination of enthalpies of solution is a precise way for investigating the energetics of materials. To enable these types of measurements in an LKB 2277 Thermal Activity Monitor (image on the left), we designed a new calorimetric cell (image on the right) capable of obtaining precise enthalpies of dissolution using approximately 12 mL of solvent and less than 10 mg of substance. More details can be found in J. Chem. Therm 2023, 186, 107137


LKB 10700-1 Flow Microcalorimeter

The LKB 10700-1 Flow Microcalorimeter model from 1976 was, and still is, a precise instrument capable of measuring the physical properties of substances. After an initial upgrade to 21st-century electronics in 2008 (reported at Meas. Sci. Technol. 2009, 20, 075107), it has undergone several recent enhancements, transforming it into a powerful tool for studying cell metabolism. Examples of these studies can be found on bioRxiv (DOIs: 10.1101/2022.08.03.502646 and 10.1101/063909).


Thermo Microscopy System

Thermo microscopy is a powerful technique for investigating the thermal behavior of materials. This prototype device, developed in 2024, can perform measurements from room temperature (approximately 20ºC) to 300ºC while conducting differential thermal measurements (DTA system) relative to a reference. Additionally, it can operate in both transmittance and reflectance modes, capturing high-resolution images using an OLYMPUS SZX10 magnifying glass.