Giulio Ruzza


15. Quantum KdV hierarchy and shifted symmetric functions (with Jan-Willem van Ittersum) [arXiv]


14. Bessel kernel determinants and integrable equations
Annales Henri Poincaré, 2025 [arXiv, journal]
13. Quantum KdV hierarchy and quasimodular forms (with Jan-Willem van Ittersum)
Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 2024 [arXiv, journal]
12. Jánossy densities and Darboux transformations for the Stark and cylindrical KdV equations (with Tom Claeys, Gabriel Glesner and Sofia Tarricone)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2024 [arXiv, journal]
11. Higgs fields, non-abelian Cauchy kernels and Goldman symplectic structure (with Marco Bertola and Chaya Norton)
Nonlinearity, 2024 [arXiv, journal]
10. Jacobi beta ensemble and b-Hurwitz numbers
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 2023 [arXiv, journal]
9. Integrable equations associated with the finite-temperature deformation of the discrete Bessel process (with Mattia Cafasso)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2023 [arXiv, journal]
8. Uniform tail asymptotics for Airy kernel determinant solutions to KdV and for the narrow wedge solution to KPZ (with Christophe Charlier and Tom Claeys)
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2022 [arXiv, journal]
7. On the spectral problem of the quantum KdV hierarchy (with Di Yang)
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2021 [arXiv, journal]
6. Airy kernel determinant solutions to the KdV equation and integro-differential Painlevé equations (with Mattia Cafasso and Tom Claeys)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021 [arXiv, journal]
5. Jacobi Ensemble, Hurwitz numbers and Wilson Polynomials (with Massimo Gisonni and Tamara Grava)
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2021 [arXiv, journal]
4. Matrix models for stationary Gromov–Witten invariants of the Riemann sphere (with Marco Bertola)
Nonlinearity, 2021 [arXiv, journal]
3. Laguerre Ensemble: Correlators, Hurwitz Numbers and Hodge Integrals (with Massimo Gisonni and Tamara Grava)
Annales Henri Poincaré, 2020 [arXiv, journal]
2. Brezin–Gross–Witten tau function and isomonodromic deformations (with Marco Bertola)
Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 2019 [arXiv, journal]
1. The Kontsevich–Penner matrix integral, isomonodromic tau functions and open intersection numbers (with Marco Bertola)
Annales Henri Poincaré, 2019 [arXiv, journal]