SIMÕES P., & PASCUAL M. 2018. Patterns of geographic variation of thermal adapted candidate genes in Drosophila subobscura sex chromosome arrangements. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:60. 2018
VARELA S. A. M., MATOS M. & SCHLUPP I. 2018. The role of mate-choice copying in speciation and hybridization. Biological Reviews 93: 1304–1322. 2018
FRAGATA I., SIMÕES P., MATOS M.. SZATHMARY E. & SANTOS M. 2018. Playing evolution in the laboratory: From the first major evolutionary transition to global warming. EPL 122: 38001 2018
SEABRA S. G., FRAGATA I., ANTUNES M. A., FARIA G. S., SANTOS M. A., SOUSA V. C., SIMÕES P. & MATOS M. 2018. Different genomic changes underlie adaptive evolution in populations of contrasting history. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(3):549–563. Doi: 2018
SIMÕES P., FRAGATA I., SEABRA S. G., FARIA G. S., SANTOS M. A., ROSE M. R., SANTOS M. & MATOS M. 2017. Predictable phenotypic, but not karyotypic, evolution of populations with contrasting initial history. Scientific Reports 7:913. 2017
SANTOS M., SAPAGE M., MATOS M. & VARELA S. A. M. 2017. Mate-choice copying: a fitness-enhancing behavior that evolves by indirect selection. Evolution 71(6): 1456-1464. 2017
SANTOS J., PASCUAL, M., FRAGATA I., SIMÕES P., SANTOS M. A., LIMA M., MARQUES A., LOPES-CUNHA M., KELLEN B., BALANYA J., ROSE M. R. & MATOS M. 2016. Tracking changes in chromosomal arrangements and their genetic content during adaptation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 1151–1167. 2016
FRAGATA I., LOPES-CUNHA M., BÁRBARO M., KELLEN B., LIMA M., FARIA G.S., SEABRA S.G. SANTOS M., SIMÕES P. and MATOS M. 2016. Keeping your options open: Maintenance of thermal plasticity during adaptation to a stable environment. Evolution, 70: 195–206. 2016
SIMÕES P., FRAGATA I., LOPES-CUNHA M., LIMA M., KELLEN B., BÁRBARO M., SANTOS M. and MATOS M. 2015. Wing trait–inversion associations in Drosophila subobscura can be generalized within continents, but may change through time. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 2163–2174. 2015
BÁRBARO M., MIRA M., FRAGATA I., SIMÕES P., LIMA M., LOPES-CUNHA M., KELLEN B., SANTOS J., VARELA S.A.M., MATOS M. and MAGALHÃES S. 2015. Evolution of mating behavior between two populations adapting to common environmental conditions. Ecology and Evolution 5(8): 1609–1617 2015
MATOS M., SIMÕES P., SANTOS, M.A., SEABRA S.G., FARIA G.S., VALA F., SANTOS J. and FRAGATA I. 2015. History, chance and selection during phenotypic and genomic experimental evolution: replaying the tape of life at different levels Frontiers in Genetics. 6:71. 2015
VALA F. and MATOS M. 2014. Pensar a nossa espécie à luz da teoria evolutiva: passado e presente. In: Professor Carlos Almaça (1934-2010) - Estado da Arte em Áreas Científicas do Seu Interesse. MJ Alves, A Cartaxana, AM Correia, LF Lopes (eds), Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Lisboa, pp. 197-237. ISBN: 978-972-98196-6-7 2014
FRAGATA I., LOPES-CUNHA M., BÁRBARO M., KELLEN B., LIMA M., SANTOS M.A., FARIA G.S., SANTOS M., MATOS M. and SIMÕES P. 2014. How much can history constrain adaptive evolution? A real-time evolutionary approach of inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 2727-2738 2014
SANTOS M., MATOS M. and VARELA S. 2014. Negative public information in mate-choice copying helps the spread of a novel trait. The American Naturalist 184(5): 658-672 2014
FRAGATA I., SIMÕES P., LOPES-CUNHA M., LIMA M., KELLEN B., BÁRBARO M., SANTOS J., ROSE M.R., SANTOS M. and MATOS M. 2014. Laboratory selection quickly erases historical differentiation. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96227 2014
SANTOS J., PASCUAL M., SIMÕES P., FRAGATA I., ROSE, M. and MATOS M. Fast evolutionary genetic differentiation during experimental colonizations. Journal of Genetics 92 (2): 183-194 2013
MAGALHÃES, S. and MATOS, M. 2012. Strengths and weaknesses of experimental evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27: 649-650 2012
MATOS, M. 2012. A question never comes alone: comments on 'What is Aging?' Frontiers in Genetics 3:150 2012
MATOS, M. 2012. Maternal effects can inflate rate of adaptation to captivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109 (36): E2380 2012
ROSE M.R., FLATT T, GRAVES J.L., GREER L.F., MARTÍNEZ D.E., MATOS M., MUELLER L.D., SHMOOKLER REIS R.J. and SHAHRESTANI P. 2012 What is aging? Frontiers in Genetics 3:134. 2012
SANTOS J., PASCUAL M., SIMÕES P., FRAGATA I., LIMA M., KELLEN B., SANTOS M., MARQUES A., ROSE M.R. and MATOS M. From nature to the lab: the impact of founder effects on adaptation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 2607-2622 2012
SIMÕES, P. CALABRIA, G., PICÃO-OSÓRIO, J., BALANYÀ, J. and PASCUAL, M. 2012. The genetic content of chromosomal inversions across a wide latitudinal gradient. PLoSOne. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051625 2012
FRAGATA I., J. BALANYÀ, C. REGO, M. MATOS, E. REZENDE and M. SANTOS 2010. Contrasting patterns of phenotypic variation linked to chromosomal inversions in native and colonizing populations of Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 112-123. 2010
MATOS M. 2010. Playing Darwin. Part A. Experimental Evolution in Drosophila. Theory in Biociences 129: 89-96. 2010
PINTO, B., C. LUíS, F. VALA and P. GARCIA PEREIRA (Eds). 2010. Guia de Campo Dia B. Bioeventos 2010. 2010
REGO C., J. BALANYÀ, I. FRAGATA, M. MATOS, E. REZENDE and M. SANTOS 2010. Clinal patterns of chromosomal inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila subobscura are partly associated with thermal preferences and heat stress resistance. Evolution 64: 385-397. 2010
REZENDE, E. L., J. BALANYÀ, F. RODRÍGUEZ-TRELLES, C. REGO, I. FRAGATA, M. MATOS, L. SERRA and M. SANTOS. 2010. Climate change and chromosomal inversions in Drosophila subobscura. Climate Research 43:103-114 2010
SANTOS, J., L. SERRA, E. SOLÉ and M. PASCUAL. 2010. FISH mapping of microsatellite loci from Drosophila subobscura and its comparison to related species. Chromosome Research 18 (2): 213-226. 2010
SANTOS M., I. FRAGATA, J. SANTOS, P. SIMÕES, A. MARQUES, M. LIMA and M. MATOS 2010. Playing Darwin. Part B. Twenty years of domestication in Drosophila subobscura. Theory in Biociences 129: 97-102. 2010
SIMÕES, P., M. PASCUAL, M.M. COELHO and M. MATOS 2010. Divergent evolution of molecular markers during laboratory adaptation in Drosophila subobscura. Genetica 138: 999-1009. 2010
MATOS, M. 2009. A Evolução Darwiniana Experimental: Um caso de estudo em Drosophila subobscura. Biologia e Sociedade 8:34-38 2009
SIMÕES P., J. SANTOS and M. MATOS 2009. Experimental Evolutionary Domestication. Chapter 5. In Experimental Evolution: Concepts, Methods, and Applications of Selection Experiments, Garland T. & Rose M. R. (eds.), California University Press, 89-110. 2009
SIMÕES P., M. PASCUAL, J. SANTOS, M. R. ROSE and M. MATOS 2009. Correction: Evolutionary dynamics of molecul ar markers during local adaptation: a case study in Drosophila subobscura. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9:133. 2009
SIMÕES, P., M. PASCUAL, J. SANTOS, M. R. ROSE and M. MATOS 2008. Evolutionary dynamics of molecular markers during local adaptation: a case study in Drosophila subobscura. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:66. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-8-66 2008
SIMÕES, P., J. SANTOS, I. FRAGATA, L. D. MUELLER, M. R. ROSE and M. MATOS. 2008. How Repeatable is Adaptive Evolution? The role of geographical origin and founder effects in laboratory adaptation. Evolution 62: 1817-1829. 2008
REGO, C., M. R. ROSE and M. MATOS 2007. Do species converge during local adaptation? A case study in Drosophila. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80 (4): 347-357. 2007
REGO, C., M. SANTOS and M. MATOS 2007. Quantitative genetics of speciation: additive and non-additive genetic differentiation between Drosophila madeirensis and Drosophila subobscura. Genetica 131: 167-174. 2007
ROSE, M. R., C. L. RAUSER, G. BENFORD, M. MATOS and L. D. MUELLER 2007. Hamilton’s Forces of Natural Selection After Forty Years. Evolution (perspective article) 61 (6): 1265-1276. 2007
SIMÕES, P., M. R. ROSE, A. DUARTE, R. GONÇALVES and M. MATOS 2007. Evolutionary domestication in Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 758-766. 2007
REGO, C., M. MATOS and M. SANTOS 2006. Symmetry breaking in interspecific Drosophila hybrids is not due to developmental noise. Evolution 60(4): 746-761. 2006
ROSE, M. R., H. B. PASSANANTI, A. K. CHIPPINDALE, J. P. PHELAN, M. MATOS, H. TEOTÓNIO and L. MUELLER 2005. The effects of evolution are local: Evidence from Experimental Evolution in Drosophila. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45(3): 486-491. 2005
AVELAR, T., M. MATOS and C. REGO 2004. Quem tem medo de Charles Darwin? O problema da selecção natural. Colecção Mosaicos da Ciência. Editora Relógio d' Água. ISBN 972-708-794. 124 pp. 2004
MATOS, M., P. SIMÕES, A. DUARTE, C. REGO, T. AVELAR and MICHAEL R ROSE 2004. Convergence to a novel environment – comparative method versus experimental evolution. Evolution 58 (7): 1503-1510. 2004
ROSE, M. R. and M. MATOS. 2004. The creation of methuselah flies by laboratory evolution. In: Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging. Rose, M. R., H. B. Passananti and M. Matos (eds.), pp. 3-9. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 2004
ROSE, M. R., H. B. PASSANANTI and M. MATOS. 2004. Introduction: why methuselah flies? In: Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging. Rose, M. R., H. B. Passananti and M. Matos (eds.), pp. ix-xiv. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 2004
ROSE, M. R., H. B. PASSANANTI and M. MATOS (eds.)(2004). Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. ISBN 981-238-741-2. 479 pp. 2004
TEOTÓNIO, H., M. MATOS and M. R. ROSE 2004. Quantitative genetics of functional characters in Drosophila melanogaster populations subjected to laboratory selection. Journal of Genetics 83(3) : 265-277. 2004
VALA, F., VAN OPIJNEN, T., BREEUWER, J.A. and SABELIS, M.W. 2003. Genetic Conflicts over Sex Ratio: Mite‐Endosymbiont Interactions. The American Naturalist 161.2: 254-266. 2003
MATOS, M., T. AVELAR and M. R. ROSE 2002 Variation in the rate of convergent evolution: adaptation to a laboratory environment in Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 673-682. 2002
TEOTÓNIO, H., M. MATOS and M. R. ROSE 2002. Reverse evolution of fitness in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 608-617. 2002
MATOS, M. and T. AVELAR 2001. Adaptation to the laboratory: comments on Sgrò and Partridge. The American Natural ist 158(6): 655-656. 2001
MATOS, M., C. REGO, A. LEVY, H. TEOTÓNIO and M. R. ROSE 2000. An evolutionary no man’s land. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 206. 2000
MATOS, M., M. R. ROSE, M. T. ROCHA PITÉ, C. REGO and T. AVELAR 2000. Adaptation to the laboratory environment in Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 9-19 2000