4- Parameter estimation (estimation.py module).

The estimation.py module combines ODE solving with the DE (differential evolution) genetic optimizer.

import matplotlib as mpl
import stimator

#To make sure we have always the same matplotlib settings
#(the ones in comments are the ipython notebook settings)

mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']=(9.0,5.0)    #(6.0,4.0)
mpl.rcParams['font.size']=14                #10
mpl.rcParams['savefig.dpi']=100             #72

4.1. Example: glyoxalase system

An example with two time courses

mdl = """
title Glyoxalase system in L. Infantum

glx1 : HTA -> SDLTSH, V1*HTA/(Km1 + HTA)
glx2 : SDLTSH ->,     V2*SDLTSH/(Km2 + SDLTSH)

find V1  in [0.00001, 0.0001]
find Km1 in [0.01, 1]
find V2  in [0.00001, 0.0001]
find Km2 in [0.01, 1]

init : SDLTSH = 7.69231E-05, HTA = 0.1357
m1 = stimator.read_model(mdl)
print mdl

best = m1.estimate(['TSH2a.txt', 'TSH2b.txt'], names=['SDLTSH', 'HTA'])

print best.info()
## #save predicted timecourses to files
## redsols = solver.optimum.optimum_tcs
## redsols.saveTimeCoursesTo(['TSH2a_pred.txt', 'TSH2b_pred.txt'], verbose=True)
title Glyoxalase system in L. Infantum

glx1 : HTA -> SDLTSH, V1*HTA/(Km1 + HTA)
glx2 : SDLTSH ->,     V2*SDLTSH/(Km2 + SDLTSH)

find V1  in [0.00001, 0.0001]
find Km1 in [0.01, 1]
find V2  in [0.00001, 0.0001]
find Km2 in [0.01, 1]

init : SDLTSH = 7.69231E-05, HTA = 0.1357

-- reading time courses -------------------------------
file C:UserstonhoDesktopstgitdoctutorialTSH2a.txt:
244 time points, 1 variables
file C:UserstonhoDesktopstgitdoctutorialTSH2b.txt:
347 time points, 2 variables

Solving Glyoxalase system in L. Infantum...
0   : 0.001590
1   : 0.001590
2   : 0.000133
3   : 0.000133
4   : 0.000133
5   : 0.000133
6   : 0.000133
7   : 0.000133
8   : 0.000133
9   : 0.000133
10  : 0.000133
11  : 0.000133
12  : 0.000133
13  : 0.000133
14  : 0.000133
15  : 0.000133
16  : 0.000133
17  : 0.000133
18  : 0.000133
19  : 0.000133
20  : 0.000133
21  : 0.000133
22  : 0.000133
refining last solution ...

Too many generations with no improvement in 23 generations.
best score = 0.000011
best solution: [  2.57587430e-05   2.23315654e-05   9.80378174e-02   2.52514985e-01]
Optimization took 2.018 s (00m 02.018s)

--- PARAMETERS           -----------------------------
V1   2.57587e-05 +- 2.76715e-07
V2   2.23316e-05 +- 3.10525e-06
Km2    0.0980378 +- 0.0197222
Km1     0.252515 +- 0.00707576

--- OPTIMIZATION         -----------------------------
Final Score 1.06654e-05
generations 23
max generations     200
population size     80
Exit by     Too many generations with no improvement

--- TIME COURSES         -----------------------------
Name                Points          Score
TSH2a.txt   244     4.1791e-06
TSH2b.txt   347     6.48635e-06

An example with an unknown initial value

m2 = m1.copy()

# Assume init.HTA is uncertain

# do not estimate Km1 and Km2, just to help the analysis
m2.parameters.Km1 = 0.252531
m2.parameters.Km2 = 0.0980973

# only one time course can be used:
# cannot fit one initial value using several timecourses!

best = m2.estimate(['TSH2a.txt'], names=['SDLTSH', 'HTA'], opt_settings=dict(pop_size=60))

print best.info()
-- reading time courses -------------------------------
file C:UserstonhoDesktopstgitdoctutorialTSH2a.txt:
244 time points, 1 variables

Solving Glyoxalase system in L. Infantum...
0   : 0.000146
1   : 0.000146
2   : 0.000025
3   : 0.000025
4   : 0.000025
5   : 0.000021
6   : 0.000021
7   : 0.000021
8   : 0.000021
9   : 0.000021
10  : 0.000021
11  : 0.000021
12  : 0.000021
13  : 0.000021
14  : 0.000021
15  : 0.000008
16  : 0.000008
17  : 0.000008
18  : 0.000008
19  : 0.000008
20  : 0.000008
21  : 0.000008
22  : 0.000008
23  : 0.000008
24  : 0.000008
25  : 0.000008
26  : 0.000008
27  : 0.000008
28  : 0.000008
29  : 0.000008
30  : 0.000008
31  : 0.000008
32  : 0.000008
33  : 0.000008
34  : 0.000008
35  : 0.000008
refining last solution ...

Too many generations with no improvement in 36 generations.
best score = 0.000003
best solution: [  3.36574664e-05   1.87056447e-05   9.25226437e-02]
Optimization took 1.898 s (00m 01.898s)

--- PARAMETERS           -----------------------------
V1   3.36575e-05 +- 1.02919e-05
V2   1.87056e-05 +- 5.94082e-06
init.HTA       0.0925226 +- 0.0400775

--- OPTIMIZATION         -----------------------------
Final Score 3.11054e-06
generations 36
max generations     200
population size     60
Exit by     Too many generations with no improvement

--- TIME COURSES         -----------------------------
Name                Points          Score
TSH2a.txt   244     3.11054e-06